
What is going down PacemakerClub? Ok, well the March of Dimes was fun and I would do it all over again, but I almost passed out multiple times. That is what I get for taking the long route... :) My best friend Grace Jeschke (a non - pacer) is sitting beside me at the moment, quote, "Being very entertained by all of this..." No that was not the QOTW: I have a better one (donated by Grace, who has given me many of her interesting quotes).

"I'm a little tea pot, short and stout; here is my handle, and here's a note from my shrink! He thinks I'm getting better; last week I thought I was a toaster oven!"
- Dot Warner from the Animaniacs

I feel very popular reading the comments; please continue!! Makes my day a h*** of a lot better! :) My LBH is beeping, G2G!



by jessie - 2009-05-18 12:05:57

you go girl. you are an amazing little person. i thought of you last night when our fireworks were going off. we live on the boarder so always drive to the river for yours on july 4th. keep on doing the things you do and keep on being yourself. love,jessie

You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

Member Quotes

I am just grateful to God that I lived long enough to have my ICD put in. So many people are not as lucky as us; even though we sometimes don't feel lucky.