2 Year Birthday..

Good Morning all,

Its almost that time again. Pacer the speed racer will be 2 years old in 2 weeks and 1 day. :-) I am so excited. I find it funny how celebrating his birthday is a high point in my year. But since he little battery self is keeping my butt alive I feel its more then necessary that I go out have a good dinner and toss one back for him :-) and for those of you who do go out and celebrate your pacers birthday you sure are missing out.... Plus you get free cake lol :-) I hope everyone is doing well... Love and Hugs



PM birthday

by Rubies61 - 2009-11-20 01:11:50

It is good to see that others do this as it is coming up on 'Darla's' 1st birthday and I want to do the same. Family thinks I'm nuts but they should be used to me by now. I hope you have a great day!

Enjoy that day!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-11-20 12:11:07

I go out and celebrate my pacer birthday also. I was thinking maybe it is just a younger generation thing. My friends have gotten me a cake every year so far. It's so much better than my regular birthday I would prefer saying i'm going to be 3.

Love ya lady,


by OIMAPRINCESS2477 - 2009-11-24 09:11:49

My family always thinks im nuts...But why not celebrate the things that are keeping us alive? They are our new bestfriends and I think that we have a right to be a little crazy..... When is Darlas Birthday?

So funny!

by amitchell - 2009-11-28 05:11:58

I also thought I was the only one who Celebrated my Pacemaker Birthday! Mine will be three on May 1st and I always remind my family that its coming up. My husband always buys me something special that day and we celebrate my life- It's always a great day and puts our busy life into perspective!


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You forecast electrical storms better than the weather network.

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I feel so incredibly thankful that I can continue to live my life.