
everyone needs to be in shape. you need to exersice and eat right. everything you do needs to right or good so you can do what you want to do. everybody even parents need to be in shape. being in shape everyday of your natural life. so stay healthy.


Hello Francis

by uvagershwin - 2007-12-24 10:12:20

Hey! This is Sydney and I totally agree with you. If people have had a pacer in their abdomen, then they have a huge scar. I should know, I have a huge scar. People with these scars know that it is very hard to lose weight aroung scared tissue, so try to be more sensitive when posting messages. Merry Christmas for the billonth time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you on the 2nd!

You know you're wired when...

Titanium is your favorite metal.

Member Quotes

Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!