
I am a league and county vets palyer. I had the PM fitted Wednesday this week. Doctor says that after three weeks I should be ok to play. Is this true? Will I be able to play in the same fashion without interferaing with the PM?




by Suzzy - 2007-12-21 02:12:21

Not any type of sports player let alone Badminton player. Took me a good week before I started getting back to life the way I knew it. Personally, I find too much of a good thing (ie: walking up alot of stairs) can tire me out pretty quick (where as it did not use too). I do not know how pm's can an affect those that are sports minded, and quite active in that respect.

Have a great Christmas & all the best in 2008!


by dward - 2007-12-21 04:12:27

I would think it depends on which hand you play with.
I was told by my Doc, my Nurse, my Cardiologist and my PM Tech - not to do any swimming, golf, or anything that required lifting my left arm over my head in any continual fashion - for six weeks.

I LOOOVE to golf and it was right at the start of the season (May) for me, so it was hard to wait, but I didn't want to jeopardize the healing process, so I waited... and I'm glad I did.

Both hands are required

by axg9504 - 2008-01-03 08:01:42

Badminton does'nt require both hands but it's hard to imagine a player at this level, not using the other hand to place 'clears' and 'smashes'. Might want to check with your doc to make sure he understands that you will be raising the other hand above shoulder level.

Badminton player with PM

by Alice - 2008-01-11 12:01:22

I told my Cardiologist that I was a competitive Badminton player (I was provincially ranked in my province at the time) and he gave me extra length in my two "leads". He made me do really deep breathing during the surgery to figure out how long to make the leads. The PM is on my left side and I am right handed so it was not a problem.

But wait 6 weeks... the leads need to be firmly cemented in your veins... if you are active too quickly you could pull them out of your heart!!!!! Not a good thing.

I also play golf and the PM is no problem and I play 3-4 times a week in summer and am an "A" level player in my club.

Take your time and ease back to your previous level of activity and enjoy!


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