Had open heart surgery finally

Hi all!

I know I haven't posted for a while but it's been a busy few months. I had open heart surgery Thursday May 28th to repair an Aortic anuerism, and replace my Aortic valve. I also had a second valve replaced with a cadaver valve, another valve repaired and the Maze procedure done in one chamber. Surgery did not go well. What was predicted to be an 8 hour surgery turned into 19 hours and my chest was left open for 4 days afterward. Every time the surgeon tried to stich something in, my tissue would tear as if it were perforated. He had to do the work twice on each thing to get it to hold. I was also bleeding heavily and had fluid in both lungs. My chest was closed on Monday June 1st and I was finally brought out of my drug induced coma on Tuesday. I was taken off the vent about 5 pm Tuesday night and was sitting in a chair later that evening. I was out of ICU on June 3rd (Wednesday) and dismissed on June 6th (Saturday). I returned to work July 15th and last weekend danced with my hubby at his brother's wedding. My recovery has gone well and I feel pretty good. There had been some discussion about taking my pacer out, but they determined I still needed it. Guess I can live with that after all the rest...LOL

Take care everyone and I will try to not be such a stranger in the future!

Theresa from Iowa


What An Ordeal!

by Wannabe - 2009-08-04 04:08:19

Hello Theresa - haven't you been through the mill since your operation? So very pleased to hear you've made up for lost time and are now able to dance (and no doubt sing) when the need arises. Hope you continue your excellent progress. Take care of yourself. All love, Sheila

so good to hear

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-08-04 10:08:51

you are doing much better. I think of you often Theresa and pray that you are doing much better. I will be coming through your area soon to see my sister. Hopefully some way being so close to each other we can get together.
Take care of yourself!



by Pookie - 2009-08-06 07:08:41

Hi Theresa.

You are one strong gal. High five (^5) to you!!!!

And to go back to work so soon after??? Wow.

Way to go.


Thanks all

by TKS - 2009-08-08 09:08:19

Thanks everyone! I had my first chance to swim in our pool today....had to wait for all the incisions to heal up. It was wonderful!

Tammy, let me know when you are going to be around and I will make sure I get to see you! Take care of yourself as well!!!!


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The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

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