How many docs are watching

I wonder how many docs watch this site.




by ElectricFrank - 2009-07-09 01:07:39

Cabg Patch, I feel the opposite. If my doc actually read my posts he would see what I have to say in more detail than he has time for in the office.

J.B., An an electronics instructor I always maintained that any inability to explain something complex to a newbee was simply a reflexion on how much I know.

Any to all: Don't be intimidated.



by pete - 2009-07-09 02:07:14

Ive often wondered. Non heart specialist doctors could learn a lot from this site. My own hospital doctors say its nice to have someone who is well informed. But I often wonder if they just think im just a damn nuisance as I cant be fobbed off with any old hogwash. Electric Frank probably gives them nightmares.


by Hot Heart - 2009-07-09 03:07:01

My doc is a bit of a dish!!!


by uvagershwin - 2009-07-09 07:07:12

I have often pondered this myself.

Just Wonder

by donb - 2009-07-09 08:07:17

Guess this one is on everyone's mind. I use the Private message to vent the bad stuff. Also seems my Cardiologist is giving me the cold shoulder lately ???

I, as well have thought of this

by Angelie - 2009-07-09 09:07:22

My conclusion is that they're way too busy to even think about coming here. If they do come here, it's probably for the laughs......


Doctors Reading This?

by J.B. - 2009-07-09 10:07:08

Why should a doctor waste their time looking at the ramblings here? The already know it all and if one of their patients has a problem all they have to do is ask the doctor to get it fixed. If you don't believe that, ask your doctor the next time you see him.

I know this because last year I mentioned to my doctor something I had seen here, which I believed. He told me that I shouldn't be letting things I read on the Internet influence my thinking as it was written by someone that probably had little or no knowledge on the subject of pacemakers. My question to him was about the explanation someone had given here on why my pacemaker would not stop my skip beats. He said the subject was to complex for a layman to answer, so I should forget what I had read. He didn't answer my question either.

Yes, I still see him, but I know longer ask questions about my pacemaker. I just look for my answers here, Google or WebMD.


Funny thing

by ElectricFrank - 2009-07-10 10:07:26

Right on, Magster! The interesting thing is when you finally get it across that you mean business, they settle down and become friends.


You know you're wired when...

Titanium is your favorite metal.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.