Pacemaker numero deux

Hi all. Chippy here, I think I am glad to say that my current pm is going to be replaced by a bells and whistles upgrade; i currently have the skoda model! lol. My proceedure is booked for the 9th of march. After knocking my ep for lack of communication we had a great chat about pm syndrome... she drew pictures which helped!!. The way she described pacemaker syndrome: The signal to beat comes from the sinus node at the top of the heart, i think that signal then travels down to the bottom chambers of the heart causing a contraction...but with the single lead pm's the sensing is limited and it will give a shock at the wrong time....when valves are shut instead of open...basically confusing it...the whooshing/ strong heart beats, dizzieness and breathlessness are apparently all symtomatic of the syndrome.
I would like to say that as others have pointed out, I am truly honoured to have my pm, as without it I would not be here. I have recently been feeling a little ticked off with my ticker box.
But honestly, even though i am feeling the full ticket at the minute i have alot to be gratefull for.
Thanks to all of you. Over the last two years i am not sure i would of coped if it hadn't of been for this site. xxxxx Wishing every one well.xxxxx Chippy22


Hi Chippy

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-18 03:02:18

Glad to hear that they are going to finally sort you out. Hope it goes well, just don't let them trade your Skoda for a Toyota! lol

Take care HH x

Re: FelixKaren

by LS - 2010-02-25 07:02:03

Hi there & welcome!
I'm new to this board also.
I think it's normal to be tired after 4 days. Are you taking any new meds? That's what kept me tired, until I adjusted to them.
I'm much older than you, but some days I seem very tired. LOL Might be bacause I have a 6 year old & a 4 year old with me most days. LOL
Hope you're doing well & on the mend!

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Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.