Stitch Protruding??

I had a pacemaker change out and pocket revision Dec. 20th, 36 days ago. All has gone well, but one end of the scar still has a red "dot". Yesterday I took a closer look at it with a magnifying mirror and there appears to be what could be a "stitch" in the middle of the red dot. I only had steri strips after the procedure on the outside, but I suppose they may have used stitches inside. The area is not an angry red and there is no discharge or swelling. The rest of the scar seems very unobtrusive. I live very remote from any medical care (it would be a 4 hour round trip drive in the snow), so I'm looking for some input from all you pacers out there.


Stitch Sticking Out - Me too

by paf - 2008-01-25 10:01:08

I had the same issue you are having. Mine was on the end where they tied the knot. Eventually, the knot and stitch just fell out. I could feel it when I would run my finger over it -- it stuck out a little. It did itch a little too.

For peace of mind, I would call your doctor's office and talk to one of the nurses. It wouldn't hurt just to give them a jingle.

Take care!


by turboz24 - 2008-01-25 10:01:33

WhenI had my ICD implanted, once the glue came off, I had 2 red spots which bled a little. One of the disolving stiches didn't disolve and was being "worked" out of my skin. I mentioned it to my EP and they got some equip and simply pulled it out. It wasn't a big deal.


by aldeer - 2008-01-25 11:01:28

I had what I call "glue" over my incesion. Like you, I saw a small white dot at the bottom of my incision, but I just left it alone. After about a month or so the dot seemed to be coming out. I still left it alone. (I did have internal stitches).Each day it would show a tiny bit more. I did call the doctors office (quite a ways away and hard for me to travel to) on a Friday afternoon. When they returned my call on a Monday, I had just "brushed" my finger over the top of the stitch and it disappeared. (came small I could not find it) It was about 1/8th of an inch....Mine was not at all red tho. Hope yours is just a stitch, but do ask if it is at all red. Good luck...aldeer

me too!

by JustKrs - 2012-07-22 11:07:02

i had this same problem.. eventually my body worked it out, but first it did form almost a gross pussy pimple right there and when it "popped" the stitch was gone and the wound was clean and then finally that last dot healed just fine

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