Lead Pain?

Just wanted to check with all of you who have had lead problems if any were ever associated with pain in the heart area. I am intermittently getting some very specific pain in a quarter size area in the general heart area. This is not associated with any "heart attack" symptoms and all testing for that type of thing is negative. So, I just wanted to check and see if others that eventually had a lead problem on the "heart end" of the wire experienced this type of thing. Two Cents


Lead Pain

by maryanne - 2009-02-08 02:02:28

Well having just gone through this myself....I to have had discomfort in the area on my chest about 3cmx3cm..it's always there sometimes the pain is more intense than other times...at one point it had gotten so uncomfortable that I actually took myself to the ER to have it check...as I was fearful that maybe there was something else going on.....I was throughly checked over and assured that all was good.....they gave me some pain meds....now being just over 8 weeks lead extraction/sternotomy/new PM implant the pain is finally diminishing...I was told the pain for me was more in relation to my sternotomy than the lead...Nerve pain and tissue healing can cause great discomfort for some.

I am glad you have had things checked out...but if it continues it doesn't hurt to have things looked at once again.

Good health to you......cheers....Mary Anne

Lead Pain

by proudmom - 2009-02-16 11:02:02

I just visited the APN today concerning the same type pain. I had my generator for my ICD replaced a few weeks ago and about a week ago I started having pain that feels like a miniature shock, sometimes a few seconds and sometimes several seconds. Sometimes I have to grab my chest and hold on till it passes, and it hurts to try to even breath. They were able to figure out which lead it was, as it would do the same thing in the office every time they would do a certain "test" on a lead, but said that my device doesn't do that test on its own, so "it can't be that"...they then said "don't see a problem, see you in a year." It has done that same sensation at least a dozen more times since leaving today...I'm very frustrated because I don't know if something is really wrong. My leads weren't replaced, but they do remove them from the sheath to check them and then replace them. I'm worried about there being a fracture even though they said they didn't see one. Any ideas?

update to previous post

by proudmom - 2009-02-19 08:02:02

I talked to my APN last night...he said he talked to an engineer who actually makes the leads at the company that my ICD is from to see if he could explain why I'm having this discomfort in the lead. The engineer said there was not an explanation that he is aware of and that he'd never heard of anyone else feeling it. I told the APN that apparently at least 2 others know what I'm talking about! I told the APN that I am going to wait it out like Mary Anne did to see if it gets better...it's hard, because sometimes it's a pretty strong discomfort. Let me know if you hear anything else that could be useful.

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I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.