riding a motorbike

G'day! Can anyone please tell me whether it's still ok to ride a motorbike once the pacemaker settles in?


All good!

by The Bunny - 2008-01-01 03:01:47

I've have rode plently of ATV's Honda 650 since my implant in 06/99--never had a problem. Have fun and keep on ridin'!

Riding? Yee Haw!!!!!

by pacergirl - 2008-01-01 10:01:04

Hey, Tshirt.....

My doc replied when I asked about scuba diving if I could still do that and he smiled and asked me if I could before the pacer?... Uhmmm Yes! was his answer. He added that I just stay out from under the car hood and stay away from the wielding machine! That is what he said. Darn... and I was going to take some welding lessons and tune-up Bubbles! hee hee (just kidding)

The best thing you can do is ASK YOUR DOCTOR! He might surprise you with his reply.

Good luck and happy riding.


Good to hear this because...

by GaryPeckham - 2010-07-12 11:07:20

Had an incling to check out whether I could ride a motorbike, had the PM fitted in Nov 2009 and just ordered the bike, glad to have found this posting. Thanks, Gary

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In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.