Thanks/Post-op outcome

  • by bunnykin
  • 2008-05-05 11:05:46

Hi to all PM/ICD friends who helped pray for my husband, Paul who recently had a large "questionable CA" polyp removed from his rectum; It's been an anxious and traumatic 2 wks for my family, but like we say, everything comes to pass...I'm here to report again.
Paul's operation went well other than some bleeding which the Dr kept him another day in hospital.
There's good news and bad news; The bad one is that the histology report from the tumour was cancerous. The good news is that we might have caught it early, as the surgeon said there was only a small focus in the tumour. However, we're now still uncertain as to how much the cancer cells have invaded into the rest of the rectum or colon wall.
We're in the process of seeking expert help from another source as second opinion so that we'd be able to address the problem better. His surgeon is not convinced with the first report from the lab. We just need to wait and see. One step at a time again.
For myself amidst all this happening, I had to run to the EP last week for tachycardia and ICD interrogated detected 9 episodes. Status quo, nothing can be done for me as well as ablation at this time would be dangerous cos I've got in me a lead on recall, so EP said to only monitor till inevitable to "go in again to ablate". Oh well..
God is still good, I'm confident that all will be well, with so many of you out there praying, wishing us well and the good Lord above, who can be against us? Thank you all once again, tomorrow I'll accompany hubby to his surgeon for checks. Hope that there's light at end of tunnel? Bye for now...


So much to bear!

by bambi - 2008-05-06 11:05:12

My heart goes out to you Bunnykin! I know this is an anxious time for you and your husband. The conviction of your faith will sustain you, even when you think it's faltering! I know that when I'm under a lot of stress, my heart issues really kick up! Even symptoms I thought were gone, rear their ugly heads! I hope that as time goes on and you get more used to the idea of your husband's health challenges, your heart will calm down a bit! My thoughts and best wishes are with you,

You are doing all the right things...

by Swedeheart - 2008-05-06 12:05:29


Thanks so much for the update. WE are wishing you and your dear hubby well! Even though some cancer was found, have and keep the faith. It sounds as though it has been found early enough for positive treatement/results. My husband had pre-cancerous polyps and they were removed. So far, so good. He also has had melanoma ~ it was caught early and removed and so far, so good. In addition he had prostate cancer. They were able to remove it, so far, so good. I know what you are going through. It is tough. You can do it.

Enjoy what you can each day, try to get some rest and do something for you once in awhile. Get your hair washed and set, get a manicure, or whatever "luxury" you enjoy. Something to indulge yourself a little bit. Then find something to share with hubby. When my husband was in the hospital during one of his (too many) stays, it was when the Harry Potter books were first coming out. I read Harry Potter to him, and it was actually rather fun. One gets so tired of just watching TV.... Later when he was at home recovering from his prostate surgery, he couldn't sit upright only sort of lounge. We didn't have a laptop then, so I drug out a old lounge chair from the garden, cleared room and rigged up a "thing" so he could use his computer. He was so thankful for something different to do than watch TV!

Enough of my jabber. I am sure you are exhausted. Share good things with your hubby and enjoy each day we are given. We will continually think postive things for both of you!



by jessie - 2008-05-06 12:05:33

thoughts and prayers are with you thru this difficult time. sharon auntisamm prays on fridays for all the group. the waiting is the worst part. let us know how you guys are doing jess

Still praying!

by bini - 2008-05-07 09:05:50

Like Bambi said "my heart goes out to you and your family." I will keep praying for you and your husband.
Please keep us updated as too how he is doing.

Ton's of prayers being sent your way,

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