Suggestions?any idea why?

  • by bunnykin
  • 2010-03-17 09:03:43

Hi guys, it's been sometimes since I've posted after the ICD shocks (5x) and then a host of other untoward happenings thereafter; As it turned out my CT scan was not that bad no blockage of arteries but indeed heart wall motion remains abnormal which dr is a bit concerned. Could either be due to almost 100% pacing for long time or due to partly the shocks that could've done some damage....Dr's not saying much. Only thing he said was to monitor and check in 6 months the Echo.
My main problem now is sleeplessness since 2 months ago. It's ridiculous how one can survive this way not having sufficient sleep night after night. Its cumulative result is surely not good in the long run. I don't deny at first few weeks after shocks I had a good degree of depression. Who wouldn't?
I'm getting over that phase I reckoned but here's the question:

My question for all here to help does one sleep with the feeling of pulsation from the pacing whilst one's in bed? I can actually feel every beat that goes on during lying supine, face up. (pls note. I can't lie on either side for more than few mins/most uncomfortable cos the device feels so heavy on our thinner chest frame; feels like it's slipping downward with slight ache when on one side). Pls friends, do put in your input or suggestion cos I'm seeing my EP next week and hope to ask a few useful and effective questions. Can't go on living this way when pulsating with the pacing and sometimes I fear the OLD devil VT comes in and device starts to zap again during sleep (if ever get any).
Many thanks. God bless. bunnykin



by Blueaustralia - 2010-03-17 10:03:50

It is 12.30am and I have gotten up unable to sleep so can sympathise with you.

After I got my pm it seemed years before I slept. It wore me out and they tried so many changes. Finally dropping the rate to suit me as I had always had a low athletic heart rate. I cannot sleep on my left side (pm side) but if I use a big pillow and get comfortable it helps if I tuck it down that side and spraw across it. I often sleep on my stomache
Perhaps if you "padded" yourself you could muffle the vibrations a bit. I wonder if one of those really long pillows would help cushion you.

God Bless and tons of love. It is lovely to see you posting again. You are always in my thoughts.

Try Biofeedback or Relaxation Techniques

by heartu - 2010-03-17 11:03:57

Have you tried any biofeedback or relaxation techniques to help you to sleep? These have helped me tremendously.

Here are some websites that may help you if you are interested: (the 2nd site has audio relaxation techniques )


Thanks...Billie & heartu

by bunnykin - 2010-03-17 12:03:13

Thank you for your input Billie, yes I've been out of action for a long time I know. Thanks too heartu...anything that can help me get back my lost sleep I'd be more than happy to try out. I do have my limitations though depending on what sort of exercise required to achieve it. One step at a time I guess, there're more issues to address when I next see my EP. Meanwhile, I need to gather energy and stamina back to recover fully after the assaults by the ICD shocks. Not very funny on smaller frame women and smaller hearts. Seems so difficult to get back to normal. Many thanks..bunnykin.

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