At a loss

I've written a few times on here about my problems with passing out its now become a real serious problem. I got my PM put in on New Year's Eve because of 2 problems passing out and a complete AV block. They have change my PM settings numerous times because they said my heart rate was dropping to fast, they said my potassium was too low. I have seen so many cardiologists in my group I've lost count.I've seen a neuologist an internist and finally they called in a shrink. I just loved the last cardiologist remark to me " I think we'll just pass on you". I've been in the hospital 6 times since Jan. and still noone knows for sure why Im passing out. So I'm coming to you my friends for help. I have no symptoms I'm fine one minute im sitting or leaning over and the next Im out cold on the floor. Sometimes for a minute sometimes for 5-6 minutes, I have bruises all over my face and body Ive had 2 concussions and I'm beyond depressed ( so the shrink says) like he wouldn't be by now. This is happening to me 2 - 3 times a week! I really need advice any suggestions I live in PA about an hour from Philadelphia. Please help I am seriously scared to even leave my house and wont stay alone with my little ones anymore. Thanks for you time.



by wietske - 2008-03-17 03:03:37


Have they controlled the leads of the pm?. Last nov I felt terrible,went a few times too my p.m.controller.But he told me there was nothing wrong. They have given me a holter voor 24 hours. I have also a total AV-block.
Sometimes i felt very good and the next time very dizzie and cold. That next morning i had a black out and felt down the stairs.I had some wounds and bruises.
In hospital they discovered that one of the leads was broken.My pm did not registered this. Have you had a holter ?. Please ask for this.They told me that it was from the stress,my work.They did not believe me when I told them that my pm was not good.I hope that they help you.Can you go for a second opinion in a other hospital ?.Please be strong ,its not betweem your ears.
I know how you feel.


You got lots of good advice...except...

by ted - 2008-03-17 07:03:22

Many people here have come forth with their support, and some good advice. But I would hope that you do not get caught up in the "spinal alignment" business that every chiropractor finds wrong with every patient. Physicians are not magicians and many times the answers are difficult to find. Sometimes out of impatience or fear, or frustration, we look for some "miracle cures" or "miracle workers" who know what we want to hear and promise us the moon while picking our pockets. I know of many instances where patients were told that they needed a "spinal alignment" which only worsened their condition and delayed their getting help from a true specialist. Good luck to you.

Check you blood work

by sistermary7 - 2008-03-17 08:03:45

Please have them check you for hypoglycemia too. There are times that if your blood sugar drops too low you will pass out, especially bending down . Look up hypoglycemia and see if any of the symptoms are like yours. And I agree with karen, you need to follow all she suggested, especially a carotid doppler. I hope the best for you. Please keep us posted on your well being. Also , did they tell you why your potassium is dropping? It does not do that for nothing. You may need to have some kidney tests done as well.

Me too

by bowlrbob - 2008-03-17 09:03:12

I also have NCS or the other name VVS like Scadnama. I also would pass out even with the pacemaker. So my EP and this is a good idea see an EP. Anyway he reset my pacer to 70 BPM then he turned on the rate drop response feature. He did this because my heart rate drops quickly for no apparent reason. What this rate drop feature does is when it senses the rate drop my pacer kicks my heart kicks my heart rate up to 100 bpm for 2 minutes. It then slows back down to the 70bpm. this gets the blood pressure back up quickly. Since this setting was done I have had no pass outs or dizziness for over 1 and 1/2 years. It works great for me it might work for you. What do you have to lose by trying it. You can look up rate drop response on the net for more info. Bowlrbob

private message

by Nuka - 2008-03-17 12:03:05

Hi Saphire416.
Please go to your private message site. I have sent a note to you there.

Hang in there.


hi saphire416

by jessie - 2008-03-17 12:03:27

something is not right. one does not just pass out so much for no reason. i would suggest that you ask for a referral to another specialist in this area of expertice. i find tho that one specialist doesn't know much about anything but his own area. i was wondering if you had your family dr. refer you to someone who could not be biass and make these awful remarks. he could maybe do a total workup and something may be discovered. i hope they can find out the reason you are fainting. no wonder you are upset. you also have young children to deal with so it is not like you can sit around all day and eat bonbons . you are chasing a four and nine year old. so these are my thoughts. does anyone else have any other suggestions for this young woman? jessie

Keep Your Head Up!

by scadnama - 2008-03-17 12:03:32

I have a condition called Neurocardiogenic Syncope that causes me to pass out even after the pacemaker. I am also going in next week for an EP Study as my doctor believes that I am suffering from a rhythm problem as well. If you would like more info, please feel free to send me a private message. I would love to share with you!



by NH - 2008-03-17 12:03:47


I titled my post "Support" cause that is all I can offer. I think if I was in your shoes I would start at the beginning and go back to my internal medicine Dr. and see if there could be some other cause for the passing out. There might be another cause. I would just explain that something had to be done, that I could not keep on like this. Maybe they have missed something completely unrelated to your heart that is causing this problem.

Maybe some of our members have experience with this problem. I hope so! I just wanted to post and say hang in there and hopefully things will get better.

Take care,


Will offer a few suggestions...

by gmnordy - 2008-03-17 12:03:56

I too have been having the same things happening to me. I will be fine and then boom down on the floor, passed out. The drs are baffled. I had a tilt table test, which was normal. Have you had one of these? That can rule out any neurological conditions. Now I am going to have an EP study because they think it is an arhythmia thing. How about one of those tests?
I am so sorry you are going through this. I am afraid to drive or be alone with my grandson. It is a very scary situation.
Good luck and I hope you can find a doctor who can help you.

Thank you

by Saphire416 - 2008-03-18 05:03:37

Thank you so much for all your advice and kind words I cant begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. I have printed out all your suggestions and no Karen I havent had half those test which kind of makes me mad you think my doctors would know what they are doing! I am seeing a different cardio dx today for a second opinion armed with my list and I want some answers. And thanks to all of you I now know what questions to ask. Thank you my PM friends I sincerly mean that Ive been so depressed and have been crying to poor Jessie for months afraid to reach out to others. She has been my anchor and Im so thankful that I now see there are so many more of you that I can rely on. From the bottom of my pacing heart Thank you!

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