Update on my passing out

Hi all!
Sorry it's taken me a little while to post but so much has happened. When I left things last time I had passed out again and had fractured my face and my lovely cardiologist had told me they were passing on me. I went to my family dx and they set me up with a new cardiologist who immediately put me in the hospital on Monday. I for the first time met an "EP" that you guys are always talking about. I got more answers in 1 hour than I had in 3 months with the other group! Karen alot of the test that you listed they ran on me, and we fianlly know two parts of the problem. I am having sudden rate drops which they have taken care of by changing the setting on my PM, by the way the other group told me I wasnt pacing the bottom of my heart and they told me I am. The second part is my blood pressure. They dont know why and it doesnt always happen but it suddenly drops just bottoms out. They are now looking into maybe my adrenal gland possible being damaged from the predisone I have taken from my asthma. The difference in the doctors is unbelievable! To all of you who told me to get a second opinion thank you I should have done it 2 months ago. Im still not in the clear but at least I have the right dx's now. Their promise to me was they will find an answer and between all the tests they have done and ones they have ordered I believe them!
I appreciate all of your help and thank you for being here for me, Im am still going to need your support if you dont mind lending it. We are trying to cushion our house a little more as it seems Im still not done passing out but hopefully soon it will all be over.
Thanks everyone,
Saphire416 aka Donna


status update

by harley63 - 2008-03-21 06:03:30

Saphire..glad to hear that your getting the attention that you deserve! Get some rest and know that we are here for continued support and understanding.

so good to hear

by jessie - 2008-03-21 06:03:57

sapphire it is so good to hear your progeress. it warms my heart. take care of yourself and know many are thinking of you and you are in our thoughts and prayers jessie

Glad your Better

by OIMAPRINCESS2477 - 2008-03-21 07:03:59


I am glad that you are doing better and that you got a second opinion. I had to fire one of my cardiologist because he was telling me I was making it up and that there was nothing wrong with me. Like I could actually make my heart stop on the monitor lol........... Good Luck and I hope your passing out will soon fade. I was also injured in one of my passing out episode so i kinda know where your coming from.


Making it up

by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-21 11:03:27

Great! It looks the first bunch were just making up stories to see what would fly with you. Drop a note to the first cardiologist and thank him for throwing you out. It may have save your life.

I one very angry doc who resented my making my own decisions. He made some comment to me about his license on the wall and what did I think it meant. My response was that he needed it to cover for his incompetence. That's when he threw me out!!!


Rate drop

by bowlrbob - 2008-03-22 12:03:42

donna, I have had the rate drop resonse turned on for almost 2 years. this is because my heart rate drops for no apparent reason about 40 times a week. This response senses when my hr drops 25 bpm or more. It kicks up my hr to 100 bpm for 2 minutes then goes back to it's reg. setting. This has worked operfectly for me ever since. No passing out no dizziness. My condition is caused by an overactive Vagus Nerve. It is called NCS or VVS VasoVagal Syncope. You might ask about this next time you see the EP. Bowlrbob

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