
I am so frustrated! I have been blacking out all weekend, and my heart rate has been doing really crazy things. I am so dizzy that at times the room seems to literally be spinning. I have been checking my BP as well...and one minute it is sky high and the next it is incredibly low. My doctors office was closed today because it is a holiday, and she is out of the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I won't even be able to talk to anyone until Wednesday.
I just don't understand. I was doing so well for the 2 weeks after I had my PM implanted, but since then, it has seemed to all go down hill. I am getting all of the symptoms back that I had pre-PM, and then some! HELP!



by Gellia2 - 2008-01-21 10:01:24

Have you taken your pulse? Try to take it when you feel the onset of dizziness. If you know how to take a carotid pulse, do that. There are many possibilities and if your pulse is uneven or there are pauses, you shouldn't wait until Wednesday. Go to your Emergency Room for a pacer check. You want to make sure you didn't dislodge or break a wire. If you've actually been blacking out, please don't wait. Just GO! It is ALWAYS better to be safe.
Best to you,


by randrews - 2008-01-21 11:01:09

I agree with Gellia, if you need to see a doctor then go to the ER. It's best to be safe with all this stuff. At times we even need to be aggresive in our search for answers. Hang in there, we are all on your side.
God bless you,

¡Ay Caramba!

by ela-girl - 2008-01-21 11:01:26

This just sounds all too familiar for me. One thing you have to remember is that you can still have the same symptoms with your pacemaker that you were having before the pacemaker. That doesn't mean all is lost. You are going to have to be vigilant in trying to find answers to your problems and having things adjusted. What was your reason for the pacer again?? Are you on meds? Let us know some more if you can...


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