EP Study

Hello Everyone!

I am sure that you are all tired of hearing from me by now, but I wanted to finally post some good news! Well, good because my doctor now has an idea of what is going on with my rapid heart rate, but not so good because I will be going back to the hospital for another EP study.
I have been wearing an event monitor for the last three and a half weeks, and finally, two days before I am scheduled to send the darn thing back, I have a really bad episode. I was walking through my house last night when my heart rate got really high, I became very short of breath, dizzy, and then I fainted. I pushed the event button just before I hit the floor, but when I fell, the leads to the recorder came loose. I didn't know this until after I regained consciousness a few minutes later. I immediately plugged the leads back in and attempted another recording. Success! My husband transmitted the recording, and the tech called my doctor to report what he had seen...but not before he advised me that I should go to the hospital!
My doctor called me this morning and informed me that the recording showed Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT), she also told me that I may be suffering from Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (IST). So, she is wanting to preform another EP Study to confirm these finding, and decide what treatment will be best for me. I'm not thrilled about another hospital stay, but I am relieved to know that they have found out what is going on, and that we are headed in the right direction!
Please keep me in your prayers...I am not scheduled for the procedure until the 25th of this month, but of course, all that does is give me extra time to worry about it.
Thanks for all of your support thus far...please keep it coming!



Hi Amanda

by bini - 2008-03-12 08:03:32

I am so glad the Dr's found something. It is hard to hear what they might be...but at least you know that something "real" is going on!
I will be praying for you to make sure the test goes well.
Please keep us updated to let us know how you are doing!



by MHCHAMPION - 2008-03-12 10:03:20

You are in my prayers.
God bless you.


by gmnordy - 2008-03-13 10:03:04

I know what you are going through. I am also having black out episodes and was wearing a 30 day event monitor. I was at my sons house and I blacked out and hit the floor hard. Bless my sons heart (he is 30). He said, after I came to, Mom did you press your button before you passed out? Hmm well nope, didnt get a chance, and unlike you, I didnt even think to try to press afterward. Anyway, good news for you that you can maybe find out exactly what is up. I too am having EP study on April 11. I hate having to wait so I am in the same boat you are. I have v-tach, and SVT, and so dr said he believes an ICD will probably be implanted during the EP study. I have never had one of these studies so I am really nervous about it.
Good luck with yours, and I will wait impatiently with you!

Good work!

by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-13 12:03:37

I'm impressed that you had presence of mind to plug the leads back in and get the data. You have given yourself the best chance of finding a resolution of the problem. This time the EP study will be looking for something specific rather than searching for an unknown.

best wishes,


You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

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I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.