
Hello to all of my pacemaker friends!

I am having ablaton number 2 tomorrow, so I ask that you please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I am actually looking forward to the procedure, I know when I come out of it I will feel much better than I do now. I have been suffering for the last two months, so I really am confident that things will turn out well.

Thanks everyone,



You have my prayers!

by tcrabtree85 - 2008-06-02 02:06:17

Hey Amanda,
I am sure things will go just fine. I look forward to hearing how things go. Now remember take it easy after your surgery and let your body heal. Watch all the movies that you desire. haha. atleast thats what I enjoyed doing.

Your in my prayers!

Good Girl!

by Dyffryn - 2008-06-02 03:06:02

Hi Amanda,
Keeping that positive attitude is the key. If we fellow Club Members could approach our procedures with your strong will I am sure we would cope far better. Well done and good luck for tomorrow.

Thinking of You

by Wannabe - 2008-06-02 03:06:41

I will think of you and know you're going to feel heaps better after the ablation - it'll soon be done and dusted and in no time you'll be feeling the befit of it.I know this from my own experience. Be assured of my prayers and thoughts. Kind wishes. Wannabe

Praying for you

by bini - 2008-06-02 08:06:44

Hi Amanda,
I will be praying that things go well for you and that you start feeling much better!
Let me know how things go!


Thank You!

by scadnama - 2008-06-03 02:06:33

Thanks to all of you how gave me your encouragement and who will be thinking of me tomorrow. I am quite anxious as it is about 1:00 am and I am unable to sleep.
I am more than ready to get this procedure done, this will be my 5th time in the cath lab, so nothing new to me. I guess I am just ready to feel better and get this all behind me.

Thanks everyone,

Arrow Prayer..

by bunnykin - 2008-06-03 12:06:56

Hi Amanda,
Saying a prayer immediately after this message. God bless and pls come back to this site as soon as possible ok? My very best and a fantastic outcome.

You know you're wired when...

The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.