Back Again

Last week I posted a message about my Dr. not wanting to see me for 3 months...knowing that I was having issues.
Well, yesterday I was having bouts of tachy all day and I felt horrible. I called the Dr. and he told me to go to the ER...I'm sure it's because he didn't want to deal with me and thought that everything was fine.
So, I went to the ER and they did the ususal work up. I would be lying in the bed and all of the sudden my rate would shoot up from 60 to 130. They put a call in to my Dr. and faxed him my abnormal EKG's...he decided that he better see me next week rather next year!
I just wish that Dr.'s would listen...we know our bodies and know when something is wrong. It took my Dr. having proof that I was in trouble for him to want to see me again.
Sorry, just needed to vent!
Hope everyone is feeling well!



I know how frustrating it is

by Angelie - 2008-10-23 05:10:05

when doctors don't listen to you. Extremely frustrating!
I dealt with all kinds of arrhythmias for 8 years, having 3 ablations, and trying every medicine known to man before my pacemaker implant. I can't tell you how many doctors I saw for the first time and they immediately wanted to label me "crazy- it's all in her head" until they actually saw all the crazy rhythms my heart could come up with.
Now, an ablation I had back in April ended up paralyzing my phrenic nerve causing diaphragm paralysis. Now all of my local doctors think that everything will be okay with my heart because of the pacer, and have labeled me "phrenic nerve damage" so they always chalk up any breathing complaint as that. It sucks. I had to go to a different doctor to get the attention that I needed, because I knew something was wrong. You know your body best- always listen to it no matter what other people think.
Good luck sweetheart,


by Tracey_E - 2008-10-23 05:10:15

I'm grumbling on your behalf! Have you considered a new doctor?


by scadnama - 2008-10-23 06:10:17

This is the 4th EP that I have seen. He and a colleague of his are currently taking care of me.
I wanted to go back to my original EP, but when I called her office the receptionist informed me that she will be having back surgery soon and will be out of the office until December!
I am going to see my current doctor on Wednesday and see if there is anything else that he can do to help me. If not, I will be going to The Heartbeat Clinic in McKinney, TX. And if all else fails, I will be heading to the Cleveland Clinic. If anyone has any sugesstions, I am very open. I live in southwest TX, but am willing to travel.

A site to check in Houston,TX

by pacepal - 2008-10-24 08:10:30

Hi Amanda,

Here is a site you might want to check:

Copy & paste address in your browser..once on site,
click on upper left..( about us )..scroll down to ( contact us)...for directions & or contact information.

Just thought this info & location might be of some help.

Best of luck in your search...keep us informed.



by bobad - 2008-10-24 09:10:06

I'm very lucky to have my doc. He calls to check on me, and really listens to me. Usually the doc WANTS to help, they just CAN'T.

I saw signs that he was over extended, as I think most cardio docs are. If the doc is overextended, sooner or later, patient care will suffer. A few weeks ago, I was thinking about how a busy doc like mine needed an assistant to keep his business straight and follow up on patients for him. What do you know, about a week later he introduced his new assistant to me. She is a registered nurse, with a background in cardiac care. Her main purpose is to follow up on patients, and make sure they are compliant. She's like his gate keeper, and also helps him keep from overextending himself and making scheduling conflicts. I don't think she will help his profits, but she will help improve patient care and take a lot of stress off the doctor.

Best of luck,,,

You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.