Seizure Activity?


I posted yesterday about low blood pressure issues. I had an episode earlier that included some seizure-like activity. I was just staring off into space and my arms and hands got stiff and then began to tremble. It only lasted a few seconds according to my hubby, but I don't remember a thing. Could this be caused by low bp or some type of arrhythmia?

I have never experianced anything like this before and I am pretty concerned. I'm not too worried about abnormalities in my brain because I have been tested for seizures in the past, when the cause for my fainting was undetermined.



seizure like activity

by maryanne - 2009-01-05 11:01:26

there are many causes for seizure like activity.....such as migraines.....medications....extreme electrolye imbalances...such as hyperkalemia or hypokalemia. Neurological events as I said can happen for a variety of reasons....many medications if not monitored properly can have toxic effects on your system....digoxin is on such medication.

At the end of the day, you should see your doctor...explain what happened...keep a diary...time of day, what was the weather, what were you doing...had you just eaten, did you just excercise....

Please consider having this investigated further...all the best....

seizure like activity

by Blueaustralia - 2009-01-06 01:01:41

Could it be that you are having absence seizures.? It should be checked out. I have a family member who suffers from the same type of thing. I wish you all the best and Happy New Year.

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