Low Blood Pressure Treatment

For those of you who suffer from low blood pressure, what is your treatment?
I have NCS, among other things, that has caused me to have chronically low blood pressure. I take Florinef (Fludrocortisone) and Midodrine in order to keep my blood pressure stable. These meds. have worked well over the last year, but now I am having problems again. I drink plenty of water and gatorade, and I try to eat salty snacks and put extra salt on my food. Some days are good, and some are bad; but lately I have had a lot more bad days than I prefer. :(
Are there any other meds. that any of you have tried that have been successful? I will be seeing my doctor again soon, and would like to know if there are any other options that we may discuss.



Neurocardiogenic Syncope

by Pookie - 2009-01-07 03:01:00

Hi Amanda.

You pretty well covered everything I know of that can help chronic low blood pressure....have you tried wearing compression stalkings? I wear them and they do help a bit.

Are you on any other drugs that may be causing your blood pressure to be low?

I tried the Midodrine but had awful side effects.

Hopefully someone out here can add some thoughts.

Having NCS just sucks!! Do you feel faint all the time? Do you get dizzy? Part of my dizziness is due to an inner ear imbalance, it took me 3 years to get that diagnosis as I thought my 24/7 dizziness was the NCS and it wasn't.

good luck & keep us posted.


Sudafed for Low Blood Pressure

by SnowShadow - 2009-01-07 03:01:56

Hi Amanda--

My doctor has me take sudafed as needed for low blood pressure. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.

Like Pookie, I wear the compression stockings when my blood pressure is low. They almost always lower my blood pressure some. though not always enough.

One of my doctors said she was thinking of trying a different medication for me and was going to look in to one particular one she was thinking of, but I can't remember what she said it was. Maybe your doctor will have some other ideas for you when you go in. I sure hope so.


Hey Boatman

by Pookie - 2009-01-07 08:01:00

thanks for the tip about walking....excellent idea. no doctor has ever mentioned that to me. that is why I LOVE this site...we help one another.


Drink heavily!

by boatman50 - 2009-01-07 08:01:10

Not alchohol! I have it also but take no meds. My EP said I was like 1 in 10 people that should use all the salt they want. I also drink a lot of Propel, like Gatorade but with much less sugar (for my waistline!) and I also like the newer G2. I do still get spells but much furter apart then they used to come. Another thing he told me was to walk, strengthen my legs to keep the blood moving. I have to say this has helped and I wish you good luck.


by bowlrbob - 2009-01-08 12:01:06

Do all of you have a pacemaker. Just wondering. I do for my NCS . My Ep turned on the rate drop response setting 3 years ago. I take no drugs and feel great. Have not had a dizzy spell or pass out since. feel like I used to only better. Bowlrbob Private email me and i will tell you the things my EP did for me. It was miraculous. BOB

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