Now What?

Hello Pacemaker Pals! I hope that everyone is doing well.

I have been having some issues over the past couple of weeks, and I was wondering if any of you have any insight as to what might be going on.

Here's a quick up-date: I got my pacemaker a little over a year ago for NCS & SSS. I have had 4 ablations in the last 8 months to control SVT & IST...the last was in November and it was a complete sinus node ablation.

The ablation has taken care of my tachycardia, but over the last couple of weeks I have been experiancing some strange things. I keep getting terrible palpitations throughout the day, sort of like a bounding heart beat. I also get a sensation like my heart is flip-flopping around, during this time my rate is irregular (a skipped beat here and a couple extra beats there). When I check my pulse during this time, the rate is fine, but the pulse that I am feeling in my wrist or neck does not seem to be in time with what my heart is doing. *That probably makes no sense, but I'm not sure how else to put it!* :) Whenever all of these strange feelings occur, I also get dizzy, there is lots of discomfort in my chest, and my blood pressure drops.

I have a call into my doctor...hopefully I will hear something tomorrow. In the meantime, I was wondering if any of you have experianced anything similar to this or if you may know what is going on.



I'm sorry!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-01-19 01:01:25

I would say from my expeience when I get those feelings my settings have needed adjusted. Not very many people have a complete SA Node ablation or at least thats what I understand. It hasn't been that long since the ablation so it may take some time getting those settings completely right.
Let me know what the Dr says. I am praying for you my sister.

Love ya,

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