
Hi. Around 7 yrs. ago I was diagnosed with AVNRT and had to have ablation done to correct arrithmias (sp?) that were crippling. The ablation went wrong so I was left with complete heart block and a pacemaker. Don't get me wrong, my pacemaker is my BEST friend! It's just, now when I thought of these fast heartbeats were gone, here they come again. The EP said that he didn't know why it was showing it's ugly head now. He said that if it gets any worse that he will put me on meds to try and control it. Well, I was told that pacing my RV all of the time poses enough risks, not to mention what can happen if these pulses put me in atrial fibrillation. I was also told that I am at risk for SCD. Well, my thing is, last night I was woke up with the feeling that I was being smothered. I couldn't get a breath. Does anyone know what that was and should I be concerned? My job has shut down and now i am without insurance so I didn't want to go see my dr unless i thought it was necessary. If anyone has any thoughts on this it would really be appreciated...



by pacie - 2008-01-10 10:01:27

Well, I got some good news today. My husband was able to get me on his insurance, so all is well there. I have just had my pm checked about 2 weeks ago and everything looked good, for the exception of the fast beats that it recorded. They said I have WPW. Unlike you, Amy, I only had the spell once so far. But it won't go out of my mind. If you knew me at all, you would know that I am a constant worry wart. As a matter of fact, that is what my dad gave me as a nickname. I was just wondering if you'll thought it might be something to even ' worry 'about. Thank you very much for listening... Debbie

Go get checked!

by cottontop - 2008-01-10 12:01:33

I tryed to handle that smothering feeling for about 2 wks. Even started back on my oxygen I had in the house. Watched my salt even closer. Then one night I started to pass out and called cardiologist and he said to get to the ER. The ran a check on my PM and it was in the wrong mode and wasn't keepin able to keep my heart rate at the set 60. It has made a great difference. I to did not want to add any more medical bills as all my test and heart surgeries ended up being out of network. I hate that every time I know I need to go get check I think and wait because of money. We shouldn't have to live this way. I have health insurance and they don't want to pay and if they do they don't cover much. Please don't wait. Go to the ER they can't turn you down for care for not having insurance. Let us know how things go.
You are in my prayers,Amy

You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

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