My heart's back...

So from the recent replies I have gotten, I think I am going to ask for an EP study with mapping to be done to see if my heart has made a new pathway. Maybe that way I will have some answers. Would it be possible to actually heal all the way so I can have my pacemaker removed? That would be the ultimate!!! Thank you for all of your help...Pacie



by peter - 2008-07-02 03:07:24

I have never heard of this happening. Pathways can re-establish themselves and give some kind of residual pacing. But these new pathways are not normally ideal and are more likely to cause interference than a beneficial effect. If you experience a positive outcome please let us know as you will be almost a one off. We all live in hope. A good way to live though.My mindset is a bit like that, so you are not alone.Good luck. Cheers Peter

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You get your device tuned-up for hot dates.

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My pacemaker is intact and working great.