how to acquire my permanent pacemaker ID

i was been given a temporary pacemaker id for me to present when it is needed. The agent of MEDTRONIC ,INC. here in cebu city, Philippines told me that my permanent id will be given to me after few months but until now it's been 5years i was not been able to have it and it took me a hard time when i need to present such identification card because the paper is already damaged. How can i have a permanent pacemaker id? Its been a long while since then and my doctor cant contact the agent anymore. Is there any chance of acquiring my permanent id still? if so, how can i do so? thank u:)


call Medtronic

by Tracey_E - 2010-03-12 07:03:48

I'm sure Medtronic has a way of replacing lost id cards. Have you called them directly?


by sam78 - 2010-03-12 08:03:24

how are we expected to know where everyone is from?? Really? Some things are not available in parts of the states either.. even the states very from state to state... but overall the advice given on here is pretty general. If you want more specific advice maybe you need to state where you are from, because certainly I cant remember where you are from, what kind of pacemaker you have, and what you can and cant do via your insurance.

wow, yeah sorry, that one rubbed me the wrong way. GRRR

Ditto call or email

by heartu - 2010-03-12 08:03:25

If your pacemaker was registered, call or email them. I think you also have an option to register online if you have your device info handy.

By the way my permanent card came in 10 days. I need a new one because they got my name wrong. All you need is the serial number of your device.

id card

by sam78 - 2010-03-12 08:03:46

CSEP, sorry to deviate off your initial question, but have you tried going to I believe if you have your current card with you, try entering your numbers (it will ask for them). You might be able to pull it up that way and then there is steps to ordering a new card on there. Good luck

I think our suggestions were appropriate

by heartu - 2010-03-12 11:03:27

Hi Wingart!

You are correct that we in the USA may not be familiar with the level of service you may be receiving from your pacemaker manufacturer overseas. We were merely trying to help CSEP find a solution to a question she had.

For lack of a definitive answer, TraceyE and I merely suggested the OP contact the manufacturer. I was certainly able to access Medtronics UK and their contact info in which you can send a question directly to them or call the office closest to your location and have them tell you whether they can issue you a plastic id card or not. If you don't ask the question you don't get an answer. If there is no site for Medtronics Phillipines, then she can contact the US offices via their online contact email to find which office could assist her.

If your hospital or doctor did not register your device(again I plead ignorance in how things work outside of the US), You do have, I assume. the serial number of your device on your handwritten card. This is your identification and you can go from there

By the way, I did not get to choose my surgeon as I ended up in the emergency room with 3rd degree heartblock and one was assigned to me. I do have the option of staying or not staying with this physician, however, but that is not even true of all of us in the US. We too are restricted via our health insurance(if we are lucky to have it or afford it) which doctors we can see or how often.

We are merely here trying to help those, like myself, who sometimes do know where to turn for advice or support. And that is all it is, advice and support, and perhaps at times a friendship.

thanks for guidance:)

by Cheldhaye Chill Day - 2010-03-14 12:03:15

I am really so glad to hear all those things and lead me the right way..yeah i have with me my serial number n all d rest of the necessary info...about my pacemaker. i am from the Philippines and as far as i know, my doc mean my cardio treated me so well...i chose my cardio n the hospital where should i be replacing my device since this s my 2nd time around n is already 5years since then...only i was not able to chose d surgeon bcoz my cardio chose it for far so good, thanks god they r treating me nicely probably bcoz i go to d best heart center in cebu city and my doctor is also among d best one. my only problem s about acquiring my permanent id since the representative of medtronic inc who happens to assist my mom about it was no longer connected and i supposed did not process my id as well...but she did told us that i do have a permanent id to be followed but just until now did not get it ....THANK U ALSO TO ALL WHO POST N SHARE THEIR FEELINGS N IDEAS...I REALLY APPRECIATE THE HELP. AND FOR THOSE WHO FEEL SORRY FOR SOMETHINGS...I DO UNDERSTAND AS WELL:) from the bottom of my heart utmost gratitude to all of u:) kisses

call medtronic if you can

by dwelch - 2010-03-15 02:03:02

yes I am from the usa, have changed doctors more often than pacemakers (insurance plans, changing jobs, moving, etc, with one exception it was not by choice). I normally just call medtronic directly and they issue me a new card with the new doctors name and number on it. One phone call usually does it and the new (plastic) card shows up in the mail, I dont remember how long. I am also on pacer number three so they also send out a new one to go with the new pacer with the new serial number and model number.

No, I dont know if you call medtronic (in the usa) if they will refer you to someone your home country or just take care of it. it cant hurt to try though.

You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

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As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.