AV Node Ablation Tomorrow

Hi friends. Just wanted to let you know that my AV node ablation is tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous, but feel good about my decision to have this done. After 5 ablations and every anti-arrhythmia medicine known to man, I think I've exhausted all my other options. It's scary to think about being 100% dependent on the pacemaker, but I'm sure I'll get used to the idea. The a-fib has taken over my life the past several months and I'm ready to take it back! Wish me luck!


Good Luck!

by scadnama - 2008-12-15 02:12:24

My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow!
I had my sinus node ablated 3 weeks ago, leaving me 100% dependant on my pacemaker. It is quite scary to rely on a piece of metal in your chest, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel so much better after my ablation, and pray that you do to!
Keep us updated!

Good Luck,

ah, sweetie

by Angelie - 2008-12-16 09:12:20

You and I have been in such similar boats that it's amazing we're both still afloat. Just as we recover from one wave, here comes another to knock us down.
Jesus led His deciples through the storm. Sometimes, I believe He allows the storm for us to see our true character, but never forget that He's always there. He's the one true lighthouse, my friend.

I do hope we'll all be hearing from you soon- wonderful news of your recovery. You know, for sure, I'll be paying attention. Seems.......I'm following you.

Be well,

Good luck.......

by Bionic Beat - 2008-12-16 12:12:33

Prayers and positive energy going out to you!

I had my AV node ablation in April of this year and felt sooo much better.

After being bedridden from AFib, it was like a miracle.

It seems a bit strange to be relying totally on a pacemaker, at first but you do stop thinking about it after awhile.

Let us know how it goes.......best wishes,

Bionic Beat

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