Induction Cookers and Hobs

Anyone know if it is safe to use an induction hob. I have been offered a job in a cafe and they have an induction hob.

If anyone knows would be grateful.

Many thanks Jules


Induction cookers

by pacepal - 2008-05-04 01:05:20

Hi Jules,
In response to your query re use of an Induction oven:

My " Medtronic " guide books states:
"When using an induction range for cooking, keeo your pacemaker 2 feet from the range to prevent EMI."

Hope this is of some help for you.



by Pacemaker_pal - 2008-05-04 02:05:35

I would ask who ever follow ups your device as you do need to keep your distance due to the magnetic field from the hob. In some deivces the magnet function can be turned off as it is a safty feature that puts your device into magnet mode. It will change your pacing from demand to fixed rate pacing.


by susanspurs - 2008-05-10 08:05:18

Hi Jules

I have a Medronic Dual Chamber PM and an induction hob. I read the warning in their booklet but couldn't find anything about induction hobs anywhere else. I called Medtronic and was told that it was fine to use an induction hob and it would only be problematic if your PM actually made contact with the hob, Still wasn't convinced so I called a couple of days later and spoke to someone else who also said it was ok. I asked why they put that warning in their booklet. I was told that it was just to cover themselves and she was again assured me it was safe to cook with an induction hob.


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