heart disease and quinolones part2

I try to make this as short as possible.
I received my PM August 2007. For several years prior to this I felt real tired and breathless, but did not go to the doctor until June 2006 , as I did not have insurance.I had fainted about 4 times over those years, always in the summer, and I thought it was heat related. -I was told physical exam, EKG and bloodtests were all normal.-Over the following months I felt worse and in the summer of 2007 I developed dizziness and vertigo. Since I had previous ear surgery I suspected my ear was acting up and went to the ENT. HE determined I had a middle ear infection and gave me Cipro drops and avelox ( which is not supposed to be taken with bradycardia !, but I was never given that diagnoses.). I felt great for a day due to the ear cleaning, but then I developed terrible heart palpitations and lightheadedness and went back to the ENT three days later. He told me I was hyperventilating and sent me home. That afternoon I developed chest pain too and get in with my family doc. I was told the symptoms were a side effect of the avelox.They did an EKG and determined bradycardia, with a HR of 48, They also did aholter, the results of which I still don't have. She suggested I'd go to a cardio. Cardio appointment took so long that I ended up in the hospital twice and the second time they decided to implant a pacemaker -for symtomatic bradycardia, chest pain and dizziness.-After that I felt worse and after 6 months of vertigo, finally another ENT did surgery and discovered several cyst in my ear and infection in my inner ear and mastoid. several bones were so infected I got those removed.-I'm mentioning this because it seems that the dizziness was not caused by the bradycardia and perhaps the PM was implanted for the wrong reason.
Today I decided to go and get a copy of the 2006 EKG that was supposedly normal. HEre are the results...sinus bradycardia, HR 48, marked left axis Deviation possible old anterior infarction.---are'nt the docs supposed to tell you this ? And what does the diagnose mean, that I had a heart attack?
I'm getting more and more confused and anxious and I simply don't trust any doc anymore to tell you the truth.


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One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.