
Can anyone tell me if they have yet had any experience with Dronedarone. I have a long complicated history and have failed with many medications. I was on Tykosin at one point and had great success but it enhanced my arrhythmias after a short spell leading to Torsades de Pointes. My status is deteriorating and at one point the physician was recommending this medication if it comes available here in the US. I have read up on it but just wondering if anyone has yet used it with success,.


Also on drug trial...

by bunnykin - 2009-01-06 11:01:05

Am in the same boat currently on new drug trial Tikosyn but very bad side effects eg diarrhea, ventricular arrhythmias pending torsades and EP did mention something about Dronedarone but won't be showing itself yet in our part of the world till 2010. Testing in Europe so I heard. Pls send private message if you want to speak in detail regarding worsening arrhythmia which also is happening to me now. All the best. bunnykin


by anette - 2009-01-08 04:01:21

Dronedarone is a non iodid Amiodarone,but not approved yet.On the way!


by anette - 2009-01-08 04:01:59

Dronedarone is a non iodid Amiodarone,but not approved yet.On the way!

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