Lastest checkup

Just got my printout back from my latest Carelink checkup. All looks fine. I had fun with the cardiologists nurse. She called to tell me she had mailed me the report and that all was well. She said the report showed zero events and that the doc was pleased. I told her that at my age I considered each heart beat an event so it didn't sound good. She enjoys my humor.

I had a great trip to the mountains this last week. I was camping at 8,000' and had not problems (other than sore muscles) with hiking around.

Then yesterday I enjoyed one of my Jeep trips up to nearly 10,000' with spectacular views of the valleys below.



so glad

by rvrs7081 - 2010-07-19 03:07:39

your check up went well and great to hear about your trip to the mountains. Glad you are back on line. Ann


by jessie - 2010-07-19 06:07:01

so glad you got a good report..also glad you enjoyed your trip outdoors to the mountains...way to go hugs jessie sounds like you enjoy teasing the nurse


by The Fish - 2010-07-19 10:07:31

Glad all is well Frank! Good for you and keep on truckin!

Good on you Frank!!!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2010-07-20 02:07:09

Sounds like you are having fun Frank!!
Great to hear you checked out sound like me..I have soo much more energy since getting my new pacer...I never seem to get tired ....Although they try to tell us that we shouldnt feel tired when our PMs are getting close to being replaced I know that as soon as I got my new one.. although I was still on the operating table I felt this huge surge of extra energy and have had it ever since...I feel great!!!
Our new pacers have more little extras on them so I wonder what we will be like when we get our next one...????
Take care Frank and keep on enjoying yourself,

((Dont go any higher Frank though or you may end up in heaven before your time!!)lol

Don't worry

by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-20 12:07:55

If I go too high and wind up in heaven before I'm ready I'll just "Check Out Against Heavenly Advice".


Thanks Frank

by qwerty - 2010-07-21 05:07:16

You inspire me but more importantly, You always make me smile!

Keep smiling

by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-21 05:07:53

I look in the mirror each morning and if I laugh at myself I know I'm alive.


You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.