
Can anyone sense lightning with their PM? I can, I have a weird feeling surging in my arm and chest, this is for very severe and strong lightning. Just curious if anyone ever felt the same..



by GrandmaD - 2008-02-12 05:02:36

I also get an odd feeling when there is a strong lightening storm. It seems as though heat lightening has the bigger impact, but its just odd, not anything else.

It is a strange feeling...

by uvagershwin - 2008-02-12 07:02:25

Yeah, now that I think about it, I can! I can also tell if a TV is on nearby. I should post a message about that! I wonder how many other people can do that?

Mac laptop

by pacergirl - 2008-02-12 11:02:43

I know when I carry the laptop too close to my chest it causes some weird sensations in my heart.... So I avoid holding it too close for very long. duh!

Lightening ,,,,, well that is another story. As many of you know I live in Kansas. The storms here can be history making. Last year lightening struck a tree in the garden and the entire house lit up a beautiful blue color. It killed the tree! It set my pacer off and my left arm tingled down to my finger tips! It was the weirdest feeling ever. My pacer reset itself and all was fine. But it recorded the event. I had the pacer checked and yes I had suffered an "event" as they put it. The very time the lightening struck the tree. So yes.... I feel when the lightening is coming and I stay away from the windows.


by peter - 2008-02-13 03:02:25

Crikey, Id buy another tree quick. It probably saved your life. I would burn the dead one on your fire slowly , you cant burn a tree as good as that all at once. Peter

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