Three weeks after implant

Hello everyone. Nice to be alive!!! I'm 49 and had a PM implanted little over three weeks ago. I'm still coping with quit a bit of pain. II went into work yesterday and worked all day long. There seemed to be no problem. Other than being uncomfortable. I sit in front of a computer screen all day long. This morning I woke up and could hardly deal with the pain. I took a pain pill and laid back down, I woke up 8 hours later still in pain. Have I gone back to work too soon? Has anyone else had to deal with this?




by heckboy - 2008-03-12 05:03:01


By three weeks, I was relatively pain free. If you have to work, my suggestion is to lay down and take it easy as soon as you get home. Three weeks seems a long time to still be in pain.



by winesap - 2008-03-12 07:03:27

What is the location and nature of the pain? Any discoloring or draining? Is the bruising especially bad? Is it worse when you move your arm? Pressure sensitive? Centered on the surface around the PM, or internal to the chest? We need some additional details to give meaningful responses. I agree that the level of pain you describe after 3 weeks does not seem normal. When was the last time you saw a caregiver about this? If it is infection related - you should be taking corrective action ASAP.


by jessie - 2008-03-12 10:03:15

i don't sit in front of a computer everday. i found that i did little for 3 months i was very exhausted. i slept a lot. i feel good now. could it be the stress on your incision sitting in one spot for so long. i took tylenol and iced the area and found tthis enough. i was wondering tho whether your aggravating it by sitting for so long in front of a computer.just food for thought. i know people have gotten frozen shoulder from not moving about. maybe more frequent breaks. jessie

Frozen shoulder

by axg9504 - 2008-03-13 01:03:20

Also, it could be shoulder soreness from trying to spare it from exertion. That happened to me because on the first 2 days I found myself walking with my left shoulder slouched forward and I had some pain as a consequence of it in the shoulder.


by axg9504 - 2008-03-13 01:03:51

I have a deskjob too and sit in front of a computer screen and I could have easily gone back to work on the 3rd day after surgery, except that they told me not to drive. There are a number of people here reporting pain that must be significant and I'm wondering if this is related to the EP's experience and expertise in making the pocket and closing the wound which are ancillary to their main expertise. I myself did not experience any pain that even needed any tylenol. Now I'm no hero and I don't think I have a high pain threshold either but it felt more like the times when I was stung by bees, except it was confined to a small area. At 9 weeks I still have some 'pins and needles' at times in the wound area (the doc told me at 7 weeks that this would go away). There is tension when I move my left arm to the right, I expect that will stay but I have no pain.

I don't also see how a PM can induce tiredness unless it's not doing it's job. I had an irregular rhythm that led to bradycardia when I exercised. Post exercise was very tiring for me and I was very tired sometimes for 12-24 hours till my heart got back to my normal rate. Now that the PM is kicking in, I come back from the gym feeling enervated!

a little more time

by mandogrl - 2008-03-13 01:03:52

If you have no sign of infection/complication, then you are probably still healing. your body might be helped by finding ways not to aggravate it like Frank says.
Also mine started feeling much better about the 3rd day I was allowed to move it above my head (6wks). Seems like the restriction of movement was just not comfortable for me.
Good luck! and let us know how you are doing.

Sitting in front of computer

by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-13 12:03:23

If your pacer is located on your chest just below the left clavicle it may be that you are irritating the site by your posture in front of the computer. Feel the pacer with your right hand and move your left hand onto the computer keyboard. If this moves your left shoulder forward and pinches the pacemaker it can keep making it sore. If this is happening try to lower the keyboard so your left arm hangs down by your side.
Once the site heals this won't be a problem.


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