Change of leads

Hi, I went to the pacemaker clinic today for my yearly check-up, only to be told one of the lead has a problem and needs to be replaced. Has any one had leads replaced to tell me about it?



4 leads

by Pacing13 - 2008-03-06 02:03:02

Yes, I actually have had 4 leads changed in the past 22 years of my pm life. My doctor was pretty strict on mel aying in bed for 48 hours after a lead being replaced. This is to ensure that it does not slip out or move. Once home for recovery I was on the same lifting restrictions as having my pm changed. Recovery for me is normally around 8 weeks and back to work, but of course it depends on what you do.

Good luck-

I had a lead replaced

by gmnordy - 2008-03-06 02:03:54

Like Pacing13, my EP dr was strict about me being very still for a few days, no lifting. Recovery was around 3 weeks for me.
Good luck!

lead replacement

by patpeter - 2008-03-06 06:03:46

hi, I was having my battery changed when they discovered that one of my leads was bad and needed replacing, they did it right then. I had to stay in the hospital overnight like when I first got my PM and my restrictions were the same as when I first got my PM. No lifting your arm over your head and no lifting anything heavy for about 4-6 wks, but I didn't have to stay in bed for any length of time. Hope that helps.

lead replacement

by wietske - 2008-03-08 12:03:43

Hi, I had also a problem with a lead. They have given me after 7 years a new pm.and lead.First they did a lead into my tigh, because I have a total AV_blok and my heartbeat is to low. I recovered very soon. I went too work after five weeks,but could not lifting heavy things.
I Hope you will recover soon.


new lead

by Mary Thompson - 2008-03-14 02:03:27

I had a problem with being tired and having a low blood pressure for 18 months and each time I went to the pacer clinic the tech said there was nothing wrong with my pm. I was next seen at the pacer clinic at Mayo in Phoenix and they found a fractured lead immediately and a week later I had a new one put in. Same as the first time and I noew feel fine. Be glad they found it right away. No big deal. Good Luck.

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