lead "redo"

i'm back from hospital after what the ep called a "redo" to re-position one of the 3 wires he placed in my heart last month with the ICD. one original lead had migrated and i was not getting the pacing feature. he said the "redo" took longer than the original.
it's too early for me to tell whether the "redo" worked. i'm still tired and groggy and a little sore. i go back to ep in 2 weeks for checkup. i'm hoping i have better news on this followup than after the first one.
has anyone else had experience with a new "lead?" is there a chance it will work? ep said this is his last try.


No experience here, but sending good wishes

by Swedeheart - 2008-03-22 04:03:09


I have not had any experience with your current situation. I am new to the pacemaker world... so much to learn.

Have they given you any specific reasons why your lead migrated? I would imagine you might need to really take it easy awhile to be sure your leads "seat" in place!

What did your EP mean by this was his last try? That sounds not so great.

I wish you the best and hope that this situation soon corrects itself and you recover nicely. Please keep us informed of your progress.

Last try: that sounds ominous

by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-22 10:03:48

That makes you feel good being told that "this is my last try". Tell him that this may be his last try at getting paid.

Seriously, if this doesn't work ask for another attempt by an EP who doesn't give up so easily.


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