BP & heart rate meds


Just wondering what others out there may be taking. I take Toporol XL for high blood pressure and fast heart rate. It works well for me and has kept my BP right where my doctor wants it. But, toporol is known to promote heart block, and both my EP and GP thinks it contributed to mine.

I asked my GP (general practionier) if I should change meds to something that won't make my heart block worse. He just thinks we can readjust the pacemaker to make up for it. In my way of thinking I might want to know what options I have. Are there meds out there that do not promote heart block that help control blood pressure and fast heart rate? Anyone out there know? Just looking for general information for my own curiosity...

Thanks in advance.



by Swedeheart - 2008-03-26 03:03:00

Thank you Carol! I tolerate the beta-blocker, but I don't want my toprol to make my condition worse. No sense in that! I will talk to my doctor again.

Calcium Channel Blockers

by Carol - 2008-03-26 12:03:17

I believe the alternative for people who cannot tolerate Beta Blockers such as Toprol, Tenormin, etc. are the class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. These drugs both slow heart rate and lower blood pressure.
I take tenormin and have for years for a condition known as inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Can't remember off the top of my head the brand names of the calcium channel blockers, but you can find them on the internet I'm sure. Hope this helps!

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