Thanks for changing post time!

Thank you to whoever is responsible for changing the time the posts are listed! The current 7 days or so is soooooooo much better than the last 10 posts! On a busy day the post you may have been really watching can "disappear" and sometimes searching for them isn't so easy...

I like this format much better! Thanks.



Thank you

by Serenitymickey - 2008-05-05 12:05:29

Your kind post will help a lot.Your right I need to talk with my family..and move on. My fears come and go....anything new it seems I have to deal with my fear all over with this summer and different trips I find myself back in fear mode....but this time I have the site..and I am already feeling you know some days are not so good but atleast more good than not. I am so excited for you having your son home for Mother's day......making new memories...enjoy your holiday and again thank you for being their.

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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.