any help??

hi guys i know you all probably think im insane but i need some advice im not sure if its related to my heart so just need general advice.
i get headaches and dizzyness frequently i white out but not completely faint and have blacked out. i feel light headed constantly. i get twinges in my head which make me blank out for a milli second i also get a warm sensastion in my head that feels as if something is leaking.i then get flushed and dizzy.i had an MRI scan about 4/5yrs ago due to constant headaches but all normal??? does anybody have any ideas??
thanks to all of you who have helped me you have been great



by Swedeheart - 2008-04-30 05:04:09


Sorry to hear you are having these weird symptoms. But no one will think you are crazy! I am on day 66 since my pacemaker implant and I still get dizzy from time to time. Usually while sitting. I have been to the doctor and he isn't sure why, doesn't appear to be anything major wrong.

Sometimes our meds can make us dizzy. Even those meds that we have taken for awhile that never "bothered us before" can suddenly change and give us problems.

If your dizzy spells are hindering you from leading a "normal" life, then I suggest you go back to the doctor and have them check you out. A MRI 4 or 5 years ago won't be so valid today in my opinion. My husband has TIA's (sort of temporary mini strokes) and his doctor is having him get a new MRI as it has been 2 years since the last one and he has had more problems. Our problem is as pacemaker patients we cannot have MRI's so we have to go with CatScans and they don't show as much... I also suggest you see a neurologist for the headaches. I know I had an excellent neurologist for some years and he really helped me with migraine issues.

Being able to identify the reason you are having symptoms would help you cope if nothing else! It could even be related to some sort of weird allergy or who knows what!

Please remember, I am just another pacemaker patient and my ideas are just that ~ my ideas! I hope you find a solution quickly! Good luck.


Ask about VVS

by bowlrbob - 2008-04-30 06:04:45

In the question just above yours I also commented about VVS. VasoVagal Syncope. I have this condition and even after the pm implant before changing settings I had these same symtoms. The rate drop response was turned on and my ep turned my pm up to 70 bpm. Since then i have had exactly 0 problems. It is worth asking the question. Bowlrbob


by Pookie - 2008-04-30 11:04:13

found this posting:

A lot of people experience dizziness. I found this article and am posting it with the hope it may help some who are experiencing dizziness...

Dizziness is the second most common complaint heard in doctors' offices (after lower back pain). Dizziness has many causes other than inner ear dysfunction.

Visual disturbances can result in lightheadedness or dizziness. Some people feel dizzy while adjusting to bifocals or a new eyeglass prescription, or from reduced vision due to cataracts.

Hyperventilation can cause temporary dizziness. During rapid breathing, more carbon dioxide than normal is expelled and the level of carbon dioxide in the blood falls, which in turn affects the function of brain cells.

Decreased blood flow to the brain or brain stem can cause dizziness, because insufficient oxygen is reaching the cells. Conditions that can reduce blood flow to the brain include orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure upon suddenly rising from a lying or sitting position), dehydration, vasovagal syndrome (a nervous-system response that causes sudden loss of muscle tone in peripheral blood vessels), arteriosclerosis (hardening or narrowing of blood vessels), and osteoarthritis (a joint disease that can narrow the openings in the neck vertebrae through which blood vessels flow).

Nervous-system disorders such as peripheral neuropathies (diminished nerve function in the legs or feet) can cause unsteadiness. A tumor may affect the brain stem, the cerebellum (the coordination center of the brain), or the part of the cerebral cortex that controls voluntary muscle movements.

Even stress, tension, or fatigue may cause dizziness. Under these conditions, the brain stem functions less efficiently, resulting in some loss of automatic reflex control of balance. This leads to elevated levels of activity for the cerebral cortex, as conscious energy is used to help maintain balance by controlling voluntary muscle movements. Lightheadedness and unsteadiness can result.

Hope it helps

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