
Though I do not post,am a regular reader of all posts.Please can any member tell me why do they check EKG with and without magnet every interrogation?What is "Intrinsic Rhythm-AF with ventricular rate of 70-90 BPM?



by kariss - 2010-03-21 07:03:25

They check your ecg to deterimine what you and your pacemaker are doing together. This lets them know see what is happening at that moment, and likely what usually happens (providing it is working properly).
The pacemaker goes into a different mode when you put the magnet on it. Instead of pacing as it has been programed to do especially for you ( which is what they want to see without the magnet ) it will go into what they call an asynchronous mode. The pacemaker will simply ignore your own beats and pace at a set rate. This allows them to determine if the PM is maintaining its function and works as well as when they put it in. They check to see how much electricity is required to stimulate a beat, check to see if each of your own beats are sensed by the pacemaker, and if it responds appropriately to your own beats, (if you have any).
The atrial fibrillation is explained quite well above by Inga.

Oh, when the magnet is removed, the pacemaker returns to the settings programmed.
Hope this helps.


by golden_snitch - 2010-03-21 08:03:43

Hey Jabee,
as far as I know that means that your normal rhythm is atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 70-90 beats per minute. When you are in atrial fibrillation as the term says the atriums are fibrillating, they are not beating at a certain rate (it would normally be faster than about 400bpm but this is so fast that the atriums don't beat but only fibrillate). From those really fast impulses that are originating in the atriums while you are in atrial fibrillation only a few actually travel down to the ventricles and activate them. Unlike in atrial flutter where one often finds that for example every 3rd or 4th beat is conducted into the ventricles, in AF this happens very irregularly. This can result in tachycardia, bradycardia or a normal but irregular ventricular heart rate. That is why you have the 70-90 bpm.

Hope this helps a bit.
Best wishes


by Jaybee - 2010-03-22 02:03:14

Thank you Inga and Kathy for your immediate response.
My doubts are cleared.

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