Pookie Update

Hi Everyone!!!

Just a quick update to let you all know that I'm still around.

I've been busy taking care of the world's worst head cold. I hadn't had one in about 8 years and I forgot how miserable it can be. I'm almost better now (one week later) other than having Kleenex nose! (You know when you blow so much your nose starts to fall off and it gets all raw.) Guess I've been doing a lot of snoring at night too according to hubby!!! How attractive!!!

Oh....I had my pacemaker checked about a week ago, everything is great. Had a few minor adjustments and so far all seems to be good. Six months ago I was using my pacemaker 27% of the time; this time it went up to 48%, oh well, what can you do?

Again, just wanted to let all my friends know that I'm still alive and kicking.



Glad for the update....

by harley63 - 2008-10-25 09:10:52


Hope that the head cold gets better soon. Missed you lately.


P.S. To the rest of the wonderful folks.. I'm doing so well that I almost can't stand myself. :O) Thanks to all that encouraged me and were SO great to help me out. I'm back to riding my Harley (which is now a trike), working, chasing my Scotty dog around and loving life. I wish you all the best.


by Tracey_E - 2008-10-25 10:10:19

I'm so sorry to hear you were sick!!!

Had they turned your min rate up higher? That would account for a big increase.

head colds

by joy1 - 2008-10-26 03:10:27

At least your getting it over before the summer hits! I caught one last year and was sooo miserable for a couple of weeks. It's easy to forget how rough and miserable a cold can be. For me, it's a good empathy reminder to get sick once in awhile even though it's so scary with having a bad ticker.

I'm glad you let us know why you haven't been around. Love yourself and get better! Women don't snore! We purr ~wink~

As for your pacer pacing more. We also supposedly get older, though I'm a special case and have been regressing in age to a much funner age.

You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

99% of the time, I totally forget I even have this device.