Heart Healthy Eating

Protein Power for a Healthy Heart

No food group offers more versatile protection from the causes of heart attacks than protein. Lean beef, eggs and pork are packed with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins. Fish delivers omega-3 fatty acids that keep heart rhythm steady and discourage blood clotting. Skinless chicken and turkey are low in artery-clogging saturated fat, and their protein keeps food cravings (and the risk of overeating) at bay. Beans—legumes such as chickpeas, black beans and kidney beans—are not only rich in high-quality proteins but are also one of nature’s richest sources of soluble fibre, which transports cholesterol out of your body and helps to hold blood sugar levels steady.

On the Menu: Fish, chicken, turkey, lean red meat, pork, eggs, beans.

Daily Servings: Two to three.

Serving Sizes: 50–100 g fish, poultry and meats; 6 tablespoons of beans as a main dish or 3 as a side dish; 2 eggs

Good Fats Are Better than Low-Fat

Why use butter that has saturated fat or crunch on questionable snacks packed with trans fatty acids when you could eat as if you spent your days beside the Mediterranean—spreading fruity olive oil on crusty bread or drizzling it over fresh vegetables and snacking on delicious almonds? Many studies have shown that these cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet protect your heart. That’s why olive oil and walnuts, which are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, get top billing in this plan, too.

All are rich in monounsaturated fats. Eat them instead of saturated fats to lower LDL cholesterol, slightly increase HDL levels and reduce triglycerides. While you should eat very little saturated fat, monounsaturated fats should be part of your daily calorie intake. Just watch your portions—oils, nuts and nut butters are calorie dense, so a little goes a long way.

On the Menu: Olive oil, canola oil, nuts.

Daily Servings: One to three of each.

Serving Sizes: 1¼ -2 to 1 tablespoon oil; 30 g nuts.

Fruit and Vegetables: Nature’s Cholesterol Cure

Our ancestors existed on wild produce, so researchers suspect that the human body evolved to expect large daily doses of the antioxidants, cholesterol-lowering phyto-sterols and soluble fibre found in fruits and vegetables. Without them (and most of us get too few servings of fruit and vegetables a day) heart risk rises.

On the Menu: All fruits and vegetables—fresh, frozen, dried or canned in natural juices.

Daily Servings: Three or four of fruit; four or five of vegetables.

Serving Sizes: 75 g vegetables, raw, cooked, canned or frozen; 1 dessert bowl of salad; 1 medium fruit such as apple, orange, banana or pear; 1 large slice of melon or pineapple; 2 small fruits such as plums or apricots; 1 cup of raspberries or strawberries; 1¼-2 cup fresh or frozen raw fruits or vegetables; 1 tablespoon dried fruit such as raisins; 1¼-2 cup fruit or vegetable juice; 3 tablespoons cooked legumes.

Whole Grains for Valuable High Fibre

Simply eating a high-fibre, whole-grain breakfast could help to reduce your risk of heart attack, as can switching completely from refined to whole grains. Whole grains are packed with vitamins and a wealth of heart-protecting phyto-chemicals, plus insoluble fibre to help digestion. Some, such as barley and oatmeal, also have cholesterol-lowering soluble fibre.

On the Menu: Whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, barley, bulgur; brown rice; whole-wheat and high-fibre cereals, including oatmeal.

Daily Servings: At least five.

Serving Sizes: 1 slice whole-wheat bread; 1¼-2 cup cooked cereal; 1¼-2 cup cooked rice, bulgur or pasta.

Dairy Foods for Better Bone Protection

Having milk on your morning cereal, a small container of yogourt as a mid-afternoon snack and grated low-fat cheese on your chili or pasta at dinner, boosts your intake of calcium, a mineral vital for healthy bone development. It also provides high-quality protein and essential B vitamins, zinc and phosphorus.

On the Menu: Skim or 1% milk, low-fat yogourt and reduced-fat cheese

Daily Servings: Two to three

Serving Sizes: 1 cup milk; 50 g reduced-fat cheese; 175 g low-fat yogourt

From: 30 Minutes a Day to a Healthy Heart, Reader's Digest Canada



Eggs, Pork? You got to be kidding

by ted - 2008-11-20 05:11:19

Eggs and Pork for a healthy heart? You got to be kidding.
Don't believe what you read in the Readers Digest. This kind of "information" will kill people and is irresponsible.

Hospital food healthy?

by ted - 2008-11-20 08:11:54

Cabg Patch: Do you really believe that food served in a hospital is healthy? I may be old, but I was a student of Pritikin, who had been given up for dead as a cardiac cripple. When he died the autopsy report said that his arteries were as clear as a newborn baby. I also live in Southern California where people generally eat much healthier and stay in good physical shape. The myth of a high protein diet such as advocated by Dr. Atkins (who was obese and died from his own diet) has been debunked over and over again. The meat, milk and egg industry spends millions hawking their products. While I mean no disrespect to Pookie, I firmly believe that the diet recommendations reprinted from that great scientific journal "Reader's Digest" is baloney and dangerous to your health. I don/t believe that any reputable medical journal would print such rubbish.

eggs anyone??

by Pookie - 2008-11-20 10:11:42

Although a yolk has about 200 milligrams of cholesterol, healthy people can still eat eggs in moderation without their cholesterol levels soaring. “Dietary cholesterol has a very small effect,” says Carol Dombrow, a nutrition consultant for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

A 1999 Harvard study followed 118,000 healthy people for about a decade and found that consuming an egg a day didn’t increase their risk of heart disease or stroke. However, if you already have a cholesterol problem, experts recommend limiting your egg yolk intake to no more than two a week, including those found in baked goods.

Also from Reader's Digest....Canadian Edition.


My math says zero eggs

by ted - 2008-11-21 01:11:02

Pookie: I would guess that virtually everyone in this group has a cholesterol problem or would like to lower it or get off statins. So, you say they should limit their egg intake to two per week, including those found in baked goods. By my math, that means ZERO eggs.

alright a good arguement

by walkerd - 2008-11-21 07:11:33

I was told no more that 2 egg yolks per week, very lean beef, I must have been given the wrong book too but I have a different problem I guess. I have to stay away from salt, and fat not good for Daves heart my doctors at Methodist In Indianapolis. Also the dietition wasnt going to do that as my spelling is really bad on some words lol. And yes ted you have to watch what goes into what your eating I do, and it is the most time consumeing thing i have to do since i found out my condition, takes twice maybe three times as long to grocery shop now, we have almost cured that just keep buying the same things over and over. I think im sproating feathers. lol


by kevinaki - 2023-05-22 18:44:05

Every Sunday morning I make scrambled eggs... SIX eggs, but only TWO yokes...I toss (4) yokes, but keep their "(4) whites."

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