Pookie's Update

Hi Everyone.

First, thank you to all my friends who sent me messages after seeing me featured in the Newsletter. It was a true honor to be nominated by Peter Nash before he died, may God bless him.

Just a quick update: I finally got to see a Gastroentologist for a 2nd opinion. The appointment was today and both Lloyd & I were very pleased. I will be having another colonoscopy and an endoscopy sometime in August. Then perhaps the doctor can figure out why I'm in so much pain after I eat and a few other symptoms I won't get into.

It was beginning to get quite scarey because I'm 5 feet 6 inches tall and my weight fell to 105 pounds. Currently I'm at 107, but still grossly underweight. However, I still have a very good appetite, but knowing you're going to be in pain from eating sort of takes the enjoyment out of eating.

I also went to a Naturopathic Doctor and am receiving Vitamin B12 shots weekly, plus I came home with oodles of vitamins and stuff that will help my stomach absorb nutrients.

But the best news is........Lloyd & I are picking up our new PUPPY tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are beyond excited.

Well, I must run; and again, thank you to all that have supported me. I will forever be grateful for the support I have received and a huge thank you to Blake for this site.



puppy Breath

by kcruz - 2009-07-10 04:07:31

good luck with all that is ahead of you. A new Puppy, ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh I love the puppy breath!!!!!!!!!!! and like patch says they are the best therapy we can ever have.

weight loss

by thomast - 2009-07-10 05:07:52

Sounds like me the first 4 monthd after i got my PM/ICD I list about 45 lbs. because i was sick all the time. I keep telling the doctor it was the drug Sotalol I was on. Finally he believed me and changed me to Tikosyn. Got much better right away, started gaining weight back etc.

Been there...

by COBradyBunch - 2009-07-10 06:07:44

IBS? While it is sort of a bogus (IMHO) diagnosis it soungs a lot like what I suffered through a few years ago. Stomach pain, bloating, gas and in my case being all clogged up. Their is two flavors IBS-C, my type, and IBS-D (the opposite of clogged up). Anyway, I modified my diet, improved my exercise and now only occasionally get a bout. Just a thought.

BTW, they did all the same to me, scoped from both ends, a bunch of other tests including a full cardiac workup including a thalium echo and when they found nothing else they went with the IBS diag. Funny how that whole workup never found the problem that brought me here but then again, until I started passing out I had been told I had a great heart except for a LBBB which they also did a full workup for but found nothing.

Ohhhhh puppy!

by MsM - 2009-07-10 06:07:55

Good luck to you...want a kitten to go with that puppy? I have five 4 week old bundles of fur and claws...lol :) They are natural calmers....just some good lovin' from a pet has been proven to lower blood pressure. Hope you are feeling better very soon!

Thinking of you!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-07-10 10:07:05

You are in my thoughs. Have fun with the puppy I think it will be a great add to your family. Look forward to seeing pictures.
Take care of yourself and don't forget to at least try and drink as much fluid as you can. Keep yourself hydrated.
Thinking of you a lot!

Weight Loss

by ChicagoKim - 2009-07-10 10:07:12

Have you been screened for celiac disease? Weight loss and pain after eating are key symptoms. Something to google if you haven't been tested yet. It's a simple blood test to screen for it.

Hello Pookie

by Bionic Man - 2009-07-10 11:07:48

Hopefully the Dr's will figure out what's going on quickly so you can start feeling better.
Good Luck with the puppy. I got a beagle puppy in Feb. He's a handful but a great companion. He's 6 mos old now. My only complaint is his habit of stepping on my pacer while I'm laying down. The cat does the same thing. It's like they're attracted to it. Hopefully you won't have that problem. I swear my pets do it on purpose.
Take care,

Thinking of YOU

by Blueaustralia - 2009-07-11 02:07:12

Dear Pooks

You are always in my thoughts. Take care and love and hugs to you, Lloyd and pup.

Billie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lots of love!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-07-11 05:07:48

I got a new puppy 3 weeks ago as well, a rescue jack russell with mounds of problems, but he's coming on nicely. Just smelly, messy, noisy, and very very naughty! lol, love him to bits!!! Hope you are feeling a bit better now and enjoy the pup! HH xxx

The Pookie Puppy

by walkerd - 2009-07-11 06:07:31

alright a puppie, what kind is it? Let me guess ummm tap tap scratch head ummm peekaknees right? lol like my spelling of that. god im a moron.
Hope the tests in aug reveal the problem. Ill say a prayer for my bud.


A little puppy...

by pacergirl - 2009-07-11 08:07:14

Well how about that! Our daughter just took her little "Lilly" the pug home to D.C. and we sure miss her. When will we get to see pictures? I can hardly wait.

About your tum... so sorry that eating has become an unhappy experience for you. I certainly hoping that the docs can figure it out. The Dr. I work for spent most of his teen years drinking milk, having countless test done and on all kinds of meds for stomach pain. He too, was thin and unhealthy.

He is 100% now, feels great. If would like to know what he did I can send you a personal message about it.

Isn't it something that even after Peter Nash's passing he is still touching lives in a most wonderful way.

Take care,
p.s. I am also on B-12 and a multi-vitamin and it has really helped me


by jessie - 2009-07-11 08:07:47

i hope all goes well and more answers received for you. . did you get that remark from patch? what a lot of nonsense if the neighbours wife dumps him. i am telling patch's wife and she can club him. you are attractive tho and you know these men.it is their visual that usually gets them i n trouble. blindfold patch!! jessie

You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker receives radio frequencies.

Member Quotes

To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!