Financial Assistance

Hi Everyone!!!

Since I was a patient at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota back in February of 2007, they send me brochures and letters about once a month; and, of course, look for donations, which is to be expected and I donate when I can. But....

The interesting part is this: (or at least I never knew it existed because I always donated to a specific disease like MS, etc.):

"The Rochester Methodist Hospital Good Samaritan Fund helps dispel uncertainty and rekindle hope. With gifts from generous people like you, the Good Samaritan Fund provides financial assistance to patients who cannot pay for their medical and surgical care at Rochester Methodist Hospital. It's a mission that offers hope and healing when patients need it most." ... "Each encounter with a patient in need of medical and financial assistance creates an opportunity to give hope and healing.

I guess I am posting this to let others know what is out there for assistance. I never knew about this kind of stuff as I live in Canada. I know this is from the Mayo in Minneapolis, but perhaps other hospitals in the United States offer something similar.

Bottom line: it's worth asking your hospital about.



way to go pookie

by jessie - 2009-07-15 08:07:24

we are really so lucky re our healthcare. as a senior tho i save so much for medical as i do believe that in the years ahead if i am alive i will be paying more for drugs. right now the gov't pays all but 6.11 a script and we have manulife in my husband's benefits that picks that up. the baby boomers starting to come thru are going to have an awful stain on the system so i know i may as well enjoy this as long as i can. it is good pookie you found out about this tho as it does give hope to probably many people. hugs jessie

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