
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

I was just wondering if anyone has heard from walkerd? Haven't seen him online for a while and am a bit worried.



not around much

by Tracey_E - 2009-10-04 08:10:04

I think I saw a comment from him a few days ago, but he hasn't been around much lately. Hopefully he's feeling good and getting back to life. Dave, let us know you're ok!!!!

He said a while ago

by Angelie - 2009-10-05 10:10:51

that he was taking a break from this place.

Hey all

by walkerd - 2009-10-06 09:10:04

im ok sue. Am starting to come back in here more now, as its getting cold and Im not ready for it yet. Have been feeling pretty good lately, get tired and short of breath still but hey they told me that and I can deal with that. Go in to see cardioligist on nov 19th for pacercheck and he is going to go over what tests and what im supposed to do now as he will only need to see me once a year now, I think they will do the phone check every three months. So as for now seem to be doing pretty good. Wont know how my heart is progressing until I have my tests. Hopefully it isnt getting any worse, but they say sooner or later it will. I guess Im paying for all the things that I did to my body all my life.
well all thanks for the thoughts love ya all
your friend
dave alias walkerd

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