Pookie Update

hi everyone

I can bearly or is it barely sit here and type but I am such a determined girl that I first want to thank everyone for their support.

however...I know this might sound crazy, ridiculous and out of this world, but last night I got up out of bed to go downstairs and fell the entire flight on hardwood stairs I might add. I don't think anything is broken (other than all my fingernails on my left hand), but I am in more pain and just want to die.

what the heck else can happen to me.????????

I just want to be put to sleep for about a week and wake up and be okay. I'm tired and discouraged and every other adjective you can think of.

I really hurt my back, but alternating from ice to heat. Poor hubby he just doesn't know what more I can endure. God bless him, he's making a full turkey dinner for himself and I guess the 2 cats and Maxx the dog as I still cannot eat solid food.

Gotta go, in too much back pain.

again, thank you everyone. your support brings me warmth.

gee, I wonder what the chances of my being able to do the stress test this thursday will be :)

I truly believe I should change my name to Lucky.




by jessie - 2009-10-12 01:10:09

you were weak anyway and the hardwood is slippery. it is not a surprize. when i brought my firstborn daughter to my mom's i brought her swaddled in the night in a blanket down a flight of hardwood and too slipped. i fell on my back with her protected aginst my chest and my arms around her tight. i felt like such a fool. but my daughter was alright! these things happen. after mom put some runner on the stairs.their bedroom was close to where i fell on to the main floor and they came running dad took the babe and mom saw to me. i was sore for awhile but other than that. i hope that you are a little better after that. at least you can be consoled that he is taking over. what a guy. i am praying hard they can help you. can you walk to-day. if eith leg is broken it will hurt like the devil to even walk. if so get to e.r. love , jessie

Hang on in there girly!!!!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-10-12 01:10:40

You are a fighter and there are lots and lots of people on here, and no doubt in other places in the world who are grateful to you for all the support that you have given to them, me included. We are all praying for you to feel better; all those prayers have to work.

Lots of love HH x

Best wishes

by seeker581 - 2009-10-12 04:10:54

Hello Pookie.
Sorry too hear your not feeling well.Everyone is thinking of you and hope you feel better soon.Take care

Hang in there!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-10-12 12:10:29

My heart hurts for you so badly. I remember those days when you sent me a message during my time of being irritated and frustrated because I was so weak. You will get through this also. You always tell everyone else to hang in there.
So now my turn to tell you keep your chin up stay positive don't let all of this get you depressed instead fight it off and do what you have to get yourself feeling better.
I love ya and am praying for you that you get feeling better soon. I hope you can make it to Mayo soon and they can get to the bottom of all of this.
Rest as much as you can.

Love and Prayers,

You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I am not planning on letting any of this shorten my life. I am planning on living a long happy battery operated life. You never know maybe it will keep me alive longer. I sure know one thing I would have been dead before starting school without it.