Pookie's Back

Hi Everyone.

I've not been around lately as there has been a lot going on in my life. But I'm okay....I think :)

Today, however, is a VERY emotional day for me as 5 years ago today I received my pacemaker....which didn't go too well, but I'm still here!!!

And today I spent most of the morning at the pacemaker clinic as I've been set up with yet another one of those blasted Holter Monitors, then they changed my settings from Bipolar to Unipolar so they can "get a better reading and will be able to see the "spikes" better"....this is all just for 24 hrs thank gawd as I can already feel the twitching around my pacemaker when I pace....a yucky yucky feeling. But it is the last test before I get to sit down on Dec. 3rd with my EP to discuss my options.

I'll be back when I'm feeling a bit better....and oh, my hubby, Lloyd....has the Swine Flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



it could be her twin patch

by jessie - 2009-11-02 07:11:10

pookie has a twin in the u.s.a. can you believe it???yes she has been thru so much and i am hoping that she will get some answers. how is the flu out your way? i don't know anyone personally with it. we rented a condo in sebring florida for feb and march. we don't expect hot weather just no snow and above freezing. it is something to look forward to after christmas. it is the longest we have gone for. take care you and no i am not trying to flirt like dave. lol jessie


by walkerd - 2009-11-03 07:11:19

Glad you posted sorry to hear all that other stuff, hope your husband does well. I pray for you that everything will work out.

Happy anniversary, Pookie

by Shirley - 2009-11-03 07:11:20

Imagine, 5 years. That is something to celebrate. I know you may find it difficult with all the trials and tribulations you have had, but you are young and I know eventually you will find someone who will know just how to fix you better.

I know how emotional my 1st anniversary was this year. It was like I was surprised that I was still here and although I have gone through some problems, it is has been nothing compared to all of your ordeals.

Let's hope this holter monitor revels some data that will help your EP on Dec 3rd to make some necessary changes...if not sooner. It was the holter monitor I wore for 24 hours that let them know my pulse never rose above 28 'tops!' I had a PM in emergency right after that.

Hugs to you and sure hope your husband gets over this dxm flu quickly. Have you had the H1N1 flu shot yet? I guess you would already have been exposed so hopefully you are able to keep it at bay.
Hoping you are both feeling much better real soon.


Trials and Tribulations

by Wannabe - 2009-11-03 07:11:40

Dearest Pookie - you seem to have so many trials and tribulations, it's all too unfair - now swine flu hits the household. Take care of yourself and grit your teeth until all these wretched tests have been completed and the medics can work out a better treatment for your problems. I don't know how you manage to stay so cheerful. I send all love and kindest wishes. Hope your husband makes a speedy recovery from flu. Be safe adn welll - Sheila

Oh Karen!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-11-03 12:11:23

I got your e-mail about Lloyd I can't remember if I sent you a message back but I am thinking of you. On another note I wanna wish you a Happy Birthday! I know it was not a pleasant day but what a blessing it is to still have you around.
I look forward to hearing how you and the family is doing.

Love ya,

Happy PM Bday Pookie

by Hot Heart - 2009-11-05 04:11:16

I was one year this week, its important to remember isnt it. Hope things pick up for you soon


You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.