Where Has Pookie Been???

Well, here I am and this is what's been happening with me:

Well, my pacer is set at 60-140, meaning that my heart can't (or shouldn't) go below 60 beats per minute BUTmy heart is dropping into the 30s!!!!!!!!!!!! = NOT good. So that was a face slapper yesterday as I was going to see my EP/Cardiologist about my having Junctional Rhythm or not (after 3 tests) so he is bringing me into the pacemaker clinic when he is there on Dec. 14 to see if some adjustments of the pacer can help. He has also ordered an "urgent" MIBI test (which I've had before)...just another heart test.

I was a complete basket case yesterday bawling my eyes out until I fell asleep late last night. It's just so frustrating because ever since I got this darn pacer, I've never felt better, only worse and no one would listen to me. But finally I am in the hands of this EP and he seems to be very concerned & willing to help me. I should have been seen by this kind of cardiologist YEARS ago.!!!!!!!!! 5 years is a very long time to feel so badly with shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, and just feeling exhausted all of the time. I'm too young to feel this bad. Plus, I am soooooooo scared. Mom and Dad now want me to get Life Alert, that pendant you wear and can press for emergency care since I'm home alone all day. :)

In the meantime, my pain from my Eagles Syndrome (head/neck/jaw/shoulder pain) has been acting up, so thinking I was smart, I took some muscle relaxant medication (over the counter) and it completely ripped my guts apart, so now that will take a good 5 to 6 days to get that back in ship shape. However, I did get some pain relief for a few days :) I also wrote a letter to the doctor who deals with this problem and he is seeing me on December 23 to discuss the surgery. I want to go forward with it; as getting steroid injections is only masking the pain and it's time to solve the problem. Then I would also be off of all these strong narcotics which in turn would help alleviate my stomach issues as well !!!

Other than that, nothing is new here. We haven't had any snow yet, just sheets of rain. I know Lloyd is itching for it to snow so he can "play" with his snowblower....it's gotta be a guy thing :) Maxx is also keeping us busy, which is a good thing. However, puppy school was cancelled last night as the trainer is coming down with the Swine flu. In the meantime, we will just keep practicing what she has taught us with Maxx.

Just an update, life is never dull, eh?



Poor thing

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-12-04 01:12:01

I am so sorry to hear that your having it so rough right now. Nothing I can say will make you feel better. I pray for quick results and that you will be up on your feet soon. Take it easy and know how much you are loved and thought of. Keep me posted please.

Love ya,

Hang In There Pookie

by Bionic Man - 2009-12-04 05:12:10

Hi Pookie,
Hang in there I'm sure they'll be able to figure this out. It sounds like it has been a real battle for you. I hope you get through it soon.
Would you like to practice obedience with my beagle Sully. He's a year old and a big pain in the A@#$%.
He could use some obedience. I'm not sure if it would help he's the most stubborn dog I've ever seen. It must be the breed.
Take Care,

lol patch i smiled

by jessie - 2009-12-05 12:12:07

it will be resolved. i feel it. i think now you have the help you need. just keep the faith because i know that you have had a rough time. love,jessie

You know you're wired when...

Your license plate reads “Pacer4Life”.

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I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.