MIBI test results....

Hi everyone....I won't be getting the results of my MIBI until February 11th. An actual sit down appointment face to face with my EP!!!!!!!!!

However, I did receive a letter from the hospital yesterday that my Loop Recorder is scheduled for February 16th.

This will be the 2nd time I had to wear one of these. I just wore one for a month back in June. But this time he, my EP, said I'd probably only need to wear it for 2 weeks if they capture some "good" recordings.



Loop Recorder?

by Carolyn65 - 2010-02-02 09:02:36

Is this something you wear 24/7? IF so, is it a "soft" recorder so it will not disturb sleep? Do you wear it out into public? I have heard others mention a Loop Recorder, but never asked what, etc.

THANX ~ ~ Good Luck, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :


by Pookie - 2010-02-03 10:02:21

Hi !!!!!!!!!!!
I've sent you a private message.



by Pookie - 2010-02-03 11:02:44

Yes, you wear it 24/7. It doesn't bother my sleeping at all. Yes, you wear it out in public but it can be easily hidden under your clothes.


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One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.