Pookie's luck:)

Hi Everyone:)

Just thought I'd let you know what has transpired. I get my pacemaker "interrogated" every 6 months. Six months ago my interrogation (or check up) was just fine. Last week, however, things are much much different. The lead (wire) that goes to the ventricle is depleting the pacemaker battery at an alarming rate, so the Pacemaker Tech had to call in one of the Cardiologists (who I've only met once before).

He explained to me that there could be too much scar tissue built up around the tip of the lead OR the lead could be fractured; hence the life of my pacemaker went from 5-7 yrs remaining to 3 yrs....which both the PM Tech & Cardiologist agreed that it probably wouldn't even last the 3 years. (I've had this original pacer & leads since 2004)

So they adjusted the threshold setting (up) so when the ventricle lead does pace, it will beat like it should. However, there is only so far they can turn this threshold up, then the only other option becomes lead replacement. But I only pace in the ventricle less than 1%!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps this Cardiologist jumped the gun???

I've read so many times on the PM Support site where this has happened to some of our members. I often wondered how a lead could just fracture out of the blue. But I guess it doesn't matter.....if it's fractured or if there is too much scar tissue, then it is what it is.

The Cardiologist said he wants me back in 3 months time to be "interrogated" again and said hopefully this is just a fluke and that everything will be back to normal. Nice of him to say, but what are the odds of that happening??? I'm concerned as I know just how risky this type of surgery can be. Also the Cardiologist mentioned that that particular lead was never in the right position to begin with and it is deeply placed into the heart wall. The Mayo Clinic also confirmed that back in 2007.

So, for the time being, I sit & wait and go back in 3 months time to see if this ventricle lead is still depleting my pacemaker battery so quickly. But how can it be when I only use it less than 1% - I'm confused!!!!!! I use the atrial lead 90%, but it's fine.

Never a dull moment in Pookie's life, eh?

Take care everyone,


Welcome to the club!

by donr - 2011-11-30 04:11:29

The club of those of us who have had a lead fracture, that is.

Pookie, I had one of my leads just completely sever itself. The two ends just went SPROINNNNNNNG! one day & gave me about a 4 inch gap between the ends. Ate battery power like a glutton! Unfortuately, the break occurred w/i the vein, so the just went in & strung a new wire. I now have three wires in that one vein. Why on earth they would have to take the old one out at this point is beyond me. My EP told me that he would not need to worry about space in the vein till he needed to put in a FOURTH wire..

See if you can co them into an X-ray to see if the leads are intact - maybe yours went SPROINNNNNNG!!!!, also? BTW: it took three X-rays till they found the gap & then it waas only by accident & an allergist found it on a chest X-ray looking for congestion in my lungs. The report came back "...Oh, by theway, he has a broken lead in his PM."


Hi Pookie

by janetinak - 2011-11-30 05:11:24

Sorry to hear about the problem. I had a similiar thing happen with my 1st PM. Never did hear what was the problem altho told the same info you were & the general opinion was that I put scar tissue or calcium deposits @ end of lead. Any way I ran out of juice in less that 3 yrs & as the lead was only in a short time the EP was able to pull it out & put in a new one with 2nd PM. Am now on # 3 with same lead (100% paced) & all good. It is my understanding that one can have up to 4 leads & I see that you have had a PM since 2004, is it possible to just add another lead? And I guess I'd get another opinion too. Best of luck with this. Please let us know how you are doing.

Thnking of you,



by Pookie - 2011-12-01 01:12:24

Actually since I have SO many friends from here, and some have my email address and some are on FaceBook, I have received oodles of communications about my latest "luck" and some of them have gone thru what I've explained only to find out during their next interrogation that somehow/some way the lead stopped draining the battery.

While there last week, they did "up" the threshold but the Cardiologist said there is still plenty of room to set it up a few more times before I would be in a dangerous area.....whatever he meant by that. Sometimes, actually many times, they talk right over my head, but this time I did say (and I didn't mean to be rude) but I said: "Okay, now explain what you just said in English."

Basically I have no control over my lead and I'm doing surprisingly well not worrying about it.

My only concern is IF they have to remove the lead as I mentioned because of what I went thru back in 2004 I have lost ALL trust - I went thru 5 surgeries for crying out loud for my first pacemaker....and I really thought 2 yrs ago when they finally figured out my settings and I could actually have quality in my life again, well, I thought I had finally moved past anything that could go wrong. Does that make any sense?

If anything, I'm more disappointed than frustrated or worried...for now.

I think I will take the advice of many members/friends and ask for a chest Xray to see if a fracture can be seen instead of waiting 3 months.

Those of you who know me well know that I've had a very rough road for the past 7 yrs - everything from the 5 surgeries, coding twice, 15 other medical diagnosis, and then the death of my father not even 3 months ago. How much more can a person take????

I know I am strong and I know I will come out of this okay, but it's the waiting that is the worst. I can see a lot of heads nodding....LOL. Waiting sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

And those of you who know me also know that I'm a fighter and I will never give up......NEVER.

This post is getting way off subject, but I guess what I'm trying to share is: we all have bad things thrown our way from time to time, but under it all there is (in my opinion) a lesson to be learned....just how strong we really are when the going gets tough.

I don't know about the rest of you, but having a pacemaker has changed my life forever - not only does it keep me alive, but it sure as heck made me a better person too....not that I was rotten before....LOL.

Thanks again everyone for your support, whether it be here, or via email or via FaceBook. It's times like this when I know who my friends are:)


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