Pacemaker turning

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has had problems with there pacemaker turning on its side? Mine does this from time to time i have mentioned it to the dr's and there sems to be no concern i would think it could turn totally around and dislodge the wires maybe i am wrong but was wondering about this...thanks

Valerie - mytrose44444


Mine, too

by Suze - 2008-04-29 08:04:22

Hi Valerie-
My PM turmed on it's side about two weeks after implant. The doctor and techs all said there are lengths of loops in the leads take care of it and it won't pull out. It's been almost 2 years and it still is the same. Really doesn't bother me anymore but some people might worry since it protrudes a little more from my body. I wear a swimsuit about twice a year so it doesn't show that often. I look pretty bad in a swimsuit so that's the least of my worries.

Anyway, hope this helps...

Take care,

Limited movement

by ElectricFrank - 2008-04-30 01:04:48

There are small attachment loops in the pacemaker body that let the surgeon stitch it to the underlying tissue. They don't like to tie down too tight as there is a risk of tearing out the stitches if it gets bumped, and causing bleeding in the pocket. So they leave some freedom for it to move. I have had to flip mine back into position a few times.


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