very tired

Hi everyone, as the Christmas baking 'challenge' was going on (the marathon) type of cooking went rather well for me but then all of a sudden, it seemed that I got super tired.
I was taking a nap on Christmas morning after stuffing a turkey and being up way too late on Christmas Eve visiting and going to Christmas Eve services at two different churches.
When I realized that I overslept and was way late on starting a stock pot of soup for another family gathering on Christmas afternoon---I jumped out of bed and then I felt a strange feeling in the center of my chest that I haven't felt before.
I'm kinda scared by that experience but after returning home that night I felt as though the energy has been totally drained out of me.
In fact yesterday I was completely exhausted and never even took my shower as always and never got dressed either. Which NEVER happens.
How can I slow down on commitments without looking like a party pooper?
I have to attend a wake this evening with a funeral tomorrow.
Some times it seems like life is so boring and then woosh, it too many things start happening.
I'm 64


crazy life

by Tracey_E - 2009-12-27 01:12:53

If you have chest pain or pressure, you need to go to the ER. You've probably just overdone it, but it's better to be safe than sorry, ya know? When's the last time you had blood work?

Sometimes life just gets to be too much and we have to say enough and cut back. You're not being a party pooper, you're using common sense and putting your health first if you back out of a few things. Can you skip the wake and rest up for the funeral?

Don't laugh, but I've practiced saying NO in front of a mirror, lol. I'll volunteer for this and sign up for that and next thing I know I don't have time to sleep much less take care of myself. Then I get run down and end up sick. I had to teach myself to say no and ask for help more often. Friends and family are happy to help out and they understand when sometimes I say no, I just had to learn to ask. This is a tough time of year to say no with things pulling us in so many directions, but I doubt if anyone you're committed to would want you risking your health to be there.

Yes !!

by ppt - 2009-12-27 02:12:01

Yep - that counts. Moderation is the operative word !! Congrats U R on your way :-))

Thank you so much

by lrrn567 - 2009-12-27 02:12:02

I didn't get any kind of pressure but a weird feeling that although slight in nature gave me a warning.
It is hard to say 'no'. I love to bake but I tend to over give and love to see people smile and say 'thank you'.
Just this morning when I asked if there was anything that I could do for the get together after the funeral tomorrow the mention that if I had any things that were leftover from holiday baking to bring them.
As usual the first thing that came to my mind was 'should I bake a cake and frost it'?
Nope I said to've done enough and put that request to the side. No one expects me to do this and this is self-imposed guilt.
That's my first saying 'no'.
Does that count LOL?????


by breezy - 2009-12-27 02:12:06

Yep it sure does count...Pace yourself...don't get in a hurry and slow down
I have had to do this...2 months with my PM and I get along okay..but I rest too... sit and read a book or just sit and watch a Soap Opera or a movie..:)
Take care :)

thank you

by lrrn567 - 2009-12-27 05:12:18

Thank you for your supportive messages. I won't get that guilty feeling if I continue to read your encouraging thoughts.

Still Get Tired

by marcjillmatt - 2009-12-27 09:12:30

Yes, it sure is difficult to say no,especially tp to family. i try to take it easy somedays when less is going on ot works,but these last few weeks with the gift wrapping,shopping forodds and ends, I felt drained .I had my pacemaker put in three years ago, what worries me is I sweat , still feels ired. everyone said I would have more energy. doctors say all is well,when i have pacemaker test. I want to wish you all very happy,healthy new year. I'm new here to the club.

to marcjillmatt

by lrrn567 - 2009-12-28 09:12:01

I know how you feel. I thought I'd have more energy but I don't. Need to go to a funeral this morning but would really like to just sleep.
My friend says that I must keep going as I am in a lazy period.
My sugar was 132 this morning and I'm thinking that perhaps that might have something to do with it.
Excuses? I think that I just must be trying to rationalize everything.
I feel frumpy...oh, well, will put one foot in front of another and get on with the day and smile.
Thank you so much for writing and encouraging me.
Hope to hear from you again.

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