Arm Pain

Hey everyone it's me again. Well since I talked to everyone last time I had to go back in and have 2 leads put back in that had come undone. WOW, I wonder if this will ever be over. I am having alot of pain in my left arm and shoulder. Has anyone had any problem like that? It only been 6 days since I had my second surgery and I go back in the see my doctor tomorrow. I had a friend that had knee surgery a week ago and he went back to see his doctor a week later, he was complaining of pain and soreness in his ackle. Come to find out it was a blood clot. He is still in the hospital they are trying to desolve the blood clot. I guess I am just kind of weary since I had to go back in the hospital 6 days after the first. Has anyone ever had anything like that happen to them?


Yes to the Arm Pain

by jweese - 2008-05-07 02:05:39


I had developed arm pain in my left arm/shoulder following my 2nd Bivent ICD/pacemaker surgery (surgery to get the 3rd lead in and to take out and replace a recalled lead). I told them when I woke up from surgery that my arm was really hurting. They released me from the hospital the next day saying the IV had infiltrated the vein. The next day after being released, I called the EP dr and told them that my arm was really hurting and had turned purple and cold and very swollen. They had me go get a doppler ultrasound done and sure enough it was a blood clot that was in the subclavian vein all the way down into all the veins in my arm. My EP dr at that point felt really bad that this had happened! I knew something was not right!! I was admitted immediately and started on heparin and coumadin. I was in for 4 days and then sent home with coumadin. I would contact your doctor and tell him your concerns. I wish they would have listened to me when I first told them while I was in the hospital b/c it would have been caught and dealt with earlier. Good luck.

arm pain

by Yorker - 2008-05-07 05:05:13

I also developed pain in my left arm after my surgery, near the elbow - it ended up getting very swollen and red, and it was a blood clot. Was back in the hospital 5 days after the surgery, given Lovanox and put on coumadin for 5 months. They say it is something that can occur with PM insertion or it could have been from the IV since it was in that arm.
That being said, I also had some soreness and pain under the arm that lasted after the pain from the blood clot was gone and was far enough away from the location of the clot that it was put down to the surgery, either from the PM pressing on the muscles or from the way they restrained me during the surgery.

If you have any question at all that it may be a clot - a visit to a doctor or the ER is definitly in order.


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